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Finally, the last day of school. I walked out of the gates of school. As always I waited by that pole. A couple minutes later Tyler walks up to me smiles. I hug him and whisper "I love you" in his ear. (I know what your thinking..  "I LOVE YOU TOO!") I look at him and he smiles and says it back. Brittany, Josh, and Jason walk over to us. Josh and Jason hand in hand and then Brittany smiling. We all walk home. Tyler's staying over at my house so he went home to get some clothes.

I lay down on my bed and put on music. It took about 15 minutes for Tyler to come back. We went in my room and lied down. I kissed his lips and didn't let go. Finally after 20 seconds of kissing we lied there and soon fell asleep.

—• Time Skip•—

I woke up with Tyler's arms around mine. I lied there looking at him, smiling. I kiss his nose and he opens his eyes.

"Good morning my lovely." He says in a raspy voice, since he just woke up.

"Good morning." I say with a smile. I get up and stretch. "I'm going to go eat want anything?" I ask.

"Uh.. I'll just go with you." He says rubbing his eyes as he is stretching. I giggle cause he so cute. I walk downstairs and look in the cupboard. I see that my mom bought more food but I stick with mah lucky charms. I grab the box and start eating. Tyler grabs the box and makes himself some cereal. We sat there in silence for quite some time. (Sorry I had too!) I finally looked over to him and put my head on his shoulder.

"I love you Tyler." I said. He patted my head.

"I love you too." He said. "I'm going to go get dressed." He said getting up. I nodded my head and sat there for a moment. I then got up and sat down in the living room. I went on my phone to see what was happening.

Jason: yo yo bishes guess what!

Me: what?

Josh: ////

Tyler: Wut?

Me: hey ty you're supposed to be getting dressed I don't want you to be on your phone while I'm in here all alone!

Tyler: sorry

Jason: ok anyways. Josh and I slept in the same bed last night!

Me: awww!! Ty and I slept i the same bed last night too!

Jason: coolio!

Josh: omg I can't believe you told them.

Jason: i just wanted them to know.

Josh: eh ok?

Brittany: yo! What's happening?

Me: josh and Jason slept in the same bed and did you know what..

Brittany: eww. Did they really do.. you know what?

Jason: No!! We only slept together! I bet (y/n) and Tyler did that!

Josh: no we didn't that's too gay!! I'm only gay not gay gay!! Ok?

Me: sorry 😂

Brittany: I was gonna say that's too gay!

Me: lol anyways imma go Tyler's fricking finally dun. Heh.

Josh: really?

Me: yus

Tyler walked down stairs. I walked up stairs to get dressed. I put on something lazy. I walked downstairs and sat by Tyler.

"Let's bring frens over." I said getting my phone out.

Me: bishes come over to my house now!!

Jason: I'm free so I guess why not.

Josh: I'm with Jason so I have to go

Brittany: hehe

Me: ok well have fun walking over here.

I look at Tyler then I hear footsteps. My mom left for work and my dad isn't here cause he's dead.

"Who is that?" I ask a little panicking. We look over to the stairs and see Brittany. "Wow! You couldn't use the front door but my window." I said laughing.

"Yup! So what are we doing tonight?" She asked. I shrugged.

"What do you want to do?" I asked. They all shrugged.

"Let's order pizza and watch a movie and play a game!! Like spin the bottle but instead you have to hug them for 10 seconds instead of kissing!" Tyler yelled. I laughed.

"Uhm ok?" I said laughing.

*ding dong*

I walk over to the door and open it to see josh and Jason holding hands.

"Oh my god you two are so cute!" I practically yell. Josh blushes and looks away and Jason smiles.

"Thanks! You and Tyler are cute too!" Jason says. I step out of the way for them to come in. I then explain Tyler's idea. They agree and I order pizza.

"So the pizza's coming so.. let's decorate!!" I say.

"Wait do you even have stuff for decorations?" Brittany asks. I nod and motion my hand for her to follow me. We walk into the garage and I pick up a box full of lights and decoration things for birthdays and parties.

"So I have the crap to decorate. You boys go find a movie while we decorate." I say opening the box.

I grab the lights. They were white. I grab tacks and a chair. I walk over to the wall and start putting up the lights. Brittany is taking out the small decorations like: balloons and paper cut into certain shapes. She blows the balloons up and throws them all over the floor. She hung some on the walls and such places.

—•Time Skip•—

Brittany and I finished decorating right before the pizza came. I had big jugs of soda in the fridge so we used those. We got our slice of pizza and our drinks and sat down in the living room. I sat in the couch with Brittany and Jason and then Tyler and josh sat on the floor, right in front of the tv like two little 7 year olds. We started the movie. (Your favorite movie I guess idk)

The movie ended and we sat in a circle. I got the bottle out and put it in the middle of us. Tyler started it off. He spun the bottle and it landed on Jason. They hugged for 10 seconds and then let go.

"Just to make it clear I'm not gay! You two are but not me! I have (y/n).." he said with a smile. We all laughed and then Jason spun the bottle. After awhile we changed the rules to truth or dare then to deepest secret.

"Brittany your turn!" I yell. She spun the bottle and it landed on josh.

"Uh.." He starts.

"Well tell us a secret." I say.

He sighed. " I'm going to regret saying this but before I dated Jason I had a small.. well big crush on.." he trailed off. We all looked at him.

"On who?" Brittany asked.

"Er.. t-Tyler." He stuttered. We all gasped and looked at Tyler. His face was in his hands. You could tell he was smiling.

"Tyler what do you have to say about this?" Brittany says holding her empty cup, up to Tyler pretending it's a microphone.

"Uhh.. well.." he says laughing the last words well. "I love you too josh but, as a friend of course." He says looking up at josh. Tyler then looks at the camera I was holding pretending Brittany and I were a NBC7 news cast. He started laughing.

"Well yeah I regret that." Josh sighs.

"It's fine. It's not like you like him any more. Plus you have me!" Jason says. Josh smiles and they hug.

"Ok back to the game! Josh spin the bottle!" I order. He spun it and it lands on me.

"Hold on I need to get pizza I'm still hungry." I say getting up. I get my pizza and sit down. "Ok so when I was in 2nd grade we had to paint something meaningful to us. My friends told me to draw a dick but they didn't tell me what is was so I drew it and painted it. When I was about to give it to the teacher some kid took it from me and asked me if I knew what it was. I told him no and he told me what it was. I was so embarrassed. I asked the teacher for a new paper and drew my family and my dog." I then looked at everyone and they just stayed silent. "What?" I asked.

"It's just, if you turned that into the teacher what would she do?" Tyler asked.

"I don't know probably call my parents and I would be in BIG trouble." I say. "Wanna stay over for the night?" I asked.  They all shook they're heads. They all had to run back home to get there clothes it took about 10-14 minutes. Except for Brittany. It only took her 30 seconds.

We all went to my room. Obviously Tyler slept with me. I bring out my air mattress for josh and Jason to sleep on. Brittany said she could sleep on the floor. We all went to bed, finally.

So sorry I haven't been updating and crap. Hopefully I will update more on here.

1518 words

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