Special Chapter: Planning for their Monthsarry

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Aaaand finally! I received (4) comments and I guess that's enough to make me write...?

It's been months since (Y/n) was announced as an official part of the Agency. She would practice her ability and come along when someone is on a mission to observe and learn from what they're doing. Of course, she's always with Dazai. That man won't allow anyone to touch her, nor flirt her, specially when asking a double suicide with her.

Dazai Osamu, sometimes ask the female for a double suicide, which terrifies (Y/n). And there Kunikida always comes to the rescue to smack Dazai and scold.

“If you want to die then don't bring your girlfriend if she doesn't desire!” Kunikida yelled as he looked down on Dazai whose currently comforting his temple which was being smacked.

"No! (Y/n) won't leave me! Of course we won't die! We'll just test what will happen if we commit double suicide!" Dazai excused. (Y/n) chuckled sheepishly as after hearing Dazai's excuse, which made him sound so idiot. Kunikida only stared at Dazai hopelessly. Why does he have to be partnered with an idiot like him?

"You know you will die once if you commit suicide," he muttered, audible enough for Dazai to hear. Dazai squinted his eyes and drawed himself near Kunikida's face.

"You don't understand the pleasure once you reach the world of Afterlife after feeling the pain!" Dazai cried. Shaking his hand from struggling to grab Kunikida – although not in a serious way.

“Once you reach the heaven, you can see pink elephants! Cranberry flies! Sparkling mosquitos! And beautiful and handsome creatures! I want (Y/n) to experience what I experienced when I ate that mushroom!”

Kunikida suddenly remembered when Dazai was in the state of hallucinations during the time of saving Atsushi from the Mafia. Meanwhile, (Y/n) suddenly felt something wrong which somehow, made her feel that she should stay away from her boyfriend for a moment.

“Er... Dazai-kun, I must go bake your favorite cake for a moment.” Without waiting Dazai to say any word, the girl rushed to the door, leaving Dazai and Kunikida alone.

The room suddenly went quiet. Kunikida set still his eyes on the door where the girl just went and suddenly felt pity for her. How did she fell in love to this guy?

“Kunikida-kun!” Dazai climbed on Kunikida and grabbed him by the collar, with his face only an inch away from his colleague – staring at him as if something terror is about to come.

“Help me how to please (Y/n)! I want her to be happy for our 3rd monthsarry!” he screamed. Annoyed, Kunikida oncd again, smacked Dazai by the head. “You're too near!”

Dazai rubbed his swollen temple where Kunikida hurt him. Pouting by his colleague's respond, he only glared at Kunikida. Once again, he climbed up on him and grabbed him by the collar. “Help me!”

“Just stop it!” the blond male punched the suicide maniac once more. Dazai decided to do nothing at all because of those repeated smack but to give up.

“Please (Y/n), you say?” The two turned their head to the counter near the door and saw Naomi, leaning her back on the wall while standing. Smirking at them confidently, at the same time, seductively. She chuckled playfully and cocked her head as she placed her point finger near her lips. “I know a lot of method for that,” she whispered; audible enough for them to hear her.

The males went silent for a moment. Dazai, being blank as he blinked repeatedly, while Kunikida, staring at the black haired female, having a bad feeling of any idea she would give.

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