Chapter fourteen: Hostage

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Dazai-san help!

"Dazai!" The brown haired detective gazed at the man behind him. "You were spacing out minutes ago. What were you thinking?" Kunikida asked.

"I'm thinking deep, why?" Dazai asked as if nothing happened. It's been three days since (Y/n) was abducted and still there is no progress how to save the girl. Dazai wanted to move but his colleagues will stop him. A knock was heard from the door which caught the detectives' attention. Then a woman wearing an assistant uniform opened the door. "Dazai-san, the president has your case to solve for today," said the assistant. Dazai stands up and followed the girl. It was Kunikida and Atsushi was left inside. They glanced each other and shrugged their shoulders.

After the case was consulted, Dazai and his colleagues went to the exact location right away. The brown haired detective lazily walked towards the facotry area until they reached the storage house where it was located. As they enter the house, a sudden piece of dagger was being throwned towards Dazai which he quickly dodge as soon as he saw the spark.

Dazai's face looked like everything was just normal. After a brief glance at the dagger, he looked back at the dim shadow where he can only see are the packages, and boxes.

"We know you're just around..." he started. "But show yourself to us." After the small speech Dazai said, there were still silence reigning inside the house. While the Dazai and Kunikida were very busy to stare at the shadow, waiting for someone, Atsushi glanced back at the dagger and saw a piece of folded paper; tied on the handle.

"Dazai-san, there was a paper tied on the dagger. It must be a note or a letter," he said. The three of them took the note and gaze what is written on a folded paper.

A friend of yours was abducted
Will you ever find her out? Come here down the underground. Don't know which room she was in? I'll give you a clue so quick be here.

2  7  4  2  12  23  7  4  22  23  0
5  5  21  16  16  14

-A message from August

Atsushi got confused. He rubbed his head with his pointed finger and asked: "What's this?"

"A code, actually," said Kunikida.

"This sounds strange. I noticed that all all our adventures always includes codes and ciphers," remarked Dazai, as he held his chin while thinking deep.

"Adventures? Codes?" Atsushi asked. Dazai nodded. "What do you mean?" Again Atsushi asked.

"We have no time for that. Let's solve about this code. What does he mean 'she'? And a friend of mine?---ours?" Dazai asked.

" 'she', the only friend I knew besides Yosano-sensei is (Y/n)---" Atsushi cut his words when he mention the girl's name. He gazed at Dazai and Kunikida who looks seriously dim and  grave.

"So they're saying that (Y/n) was here?" Kunikida asked. Dazai nodded with full of hope. With his move, Kunikida and Atsushi can see that Dazai already want to solve the code.

"Let's think something that might crack the code. Find a clue to trace what is the exact name of the code," Dazai said as he clasped his hands and rub them repeatedly with his eager walking; back and forth.

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