Post Contest Activity - Feedback Form :)

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Since you're all done writing for the contest I thought it might be fun to give you something else to do this week aside from twiddle your thumbs. I was thinking about starting more writing contests later down the line.

For that I would like some feedback from the contestants (and the readers too, if they felt so inclined)

1. What did you think of the following parts of the contest:

- Pace (i.e. Chapter layout and the time given to turn these chapters in)

- Setting

- Rules in regard to Sponsor Gifts

2. In regard to the rules:

- Were they clear?

- Were they too strict/lenient, and if so; how come?

3. What about the contest did you like the most?

4. What about the contest could be improved to make future contests better?

5. Any other remarks, tips and hints you'd like to mention ;)

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