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Hello and, once again, welcome to this year's Hunger Games.

Let me introduce myself; I'm Miss Kate from the Capitol. You'll be dealing with me for the entire duration of your stay. Make yourself at home and, please, enjoy the food.

It's expensive...

First things first; this is my first ever attempt at a writing contest, so bare with me. I've got a plan, high spirits and a few rules in mind which I hope will make this a succesful contest. This requires for all contestants to cooperate, of course, and for other people to cast their votes.

--Here's what's going to happen--

I'm going to open up the contest to a maximum of 6 people (to keep things manageable). These six people are going to choose a District.

District 12 is off limits. Aww, yeah I know. But if it wasn't off limits, everyone would be from there :P.

Then we're going to send these people off to write one chapter per week based on a general theme I'll be providing and some private information which I will PM people seperately.

After each week non-contestants will get a chance to review the entries and vote on one contestant per voter. This is very important; each voter gets one vote.

As an aside; even if your character 'wins' by surviving the Hunger Games that doesn't mean you, as the writer, have won as well. The voters will decide ;)

Got that? Good.

Let's move on to the rules, then...

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