Chapter 3 Summary: And So It Begins

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_ecanus: 1 Vote(s)

_Stop_And_Stare_: 7 Vote(s)

ShyCoverCJ: 2 Vote(s)

FanFicJunction: 4 Vote(s)

CURRENT VOTES (Total, being Chp 1 & 2)

_ecanus: 1 Vote(s)

_Stop_And_Stare_: 13 Vote(s)

ShyCoverCJ: 4 Vote(s)

FanFicJunction: 10 Vote(s)


For the second time this week Caesar Flickerman found himself sitting at a table with Games master Ferris Heartly. The first day of the Games had by now officially ended and so it was time for a wrap up of the day's events.

There was no studio audience this time as conversations like these were best left uninterrupted by applause or background noise of any kind. This is the point where they sat down to really look at what people were doing, who died, who lived and what the future may hold.

As was always the case the very start of the match had seen some deaths as tributes sought to grab whatever supplies they could. The unusual thing this year was that the number of said deaths was limited.

A small light flickered to life on one of the camera's nearest to him so he sat himself up; soon their broadcast would begin. Ferris, taking the hint, made sure to prepare himself by also straightening himself out and leaning on the table before them.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen at home and wherever you might be. The first day of the Games draws to a close and we're here with our very own Ferris Heartly to discuss the goings-on.

Ferris, tell me; how did you find this first day of your very first Hunger Games?"

Ferris seemed more at ease now that there weren't quite so many people in the room as before. He waited patiently for Caesar to stop talking, then folded his hands together.

"Well, Caesar, we've seen all of the usual trademarks of Day One; the tense look on everyone's faces, the race to the middle to get whatever they can get their hands on and of course the first casualties. So far it has not disappointed.", Ferris summed up quickly as he flashed a smile at the show host.

"Indeed the first few minutes always see a number of casualties. What surprised me, however is that there were only four of them this time. You don't suppose they're actually learning, do you?" Caesar jested as though they were discussing rats on a test course.

Heartly noted the sarcasm and replied with some of his own.

"Well, these are the sixty fifth Hunger Games; one can expect something to stick after so many repetitions. But you are correct in noticing that there seem to be a relatively small amount of Cornucopia deaths this season. Whether it's down to experience is anyone's guess.

The Guides of the various districts have warned against running to the middle directly at the start for many years now but still those piles of supplies are ever so tempting."

Caesar nodded his understanding.

"Indeed, it does seem so easy to just run up and grab what you can. The only problem is that that's exactly what's on everyone else's mind."

Ferris shrugged lightly and sat back in his chair, relaxing visibly.

"Still, I'm not disappointed. We may have seen only four Cornucopia deaths but in total we've lost no less than thirteen tributes. Most of them well after the first few minutes. This is proving to be a feisty bunch."

As though having just learned of this news, Caesar gave Ferris a look of surprise.


"Yes, thirteen. There were nine confrontations about half way through the day. As a matter of fact Districts Six, Eight and Nine have been completely wiped out today."

Now this was news to Caesar who hadn't thought to look in to it. He smiled appreciatively and leaned his head on his hand.

"Three Districts...gone on Day One. My my..."

Ferris counted out the casualties on his hands as he explained further.

"As it stands only Districts Three and Four are still whole. One, Two, Five, Seven, Ten, Eleven and Twelve have lost one tribute and as I stated earlier we've already lost three entire Districts. So we are left with...eleven contestants still in the Games. These could be the shortest Games ever seen!"

"And do you suppose the location has anything to do with it? Normally we have more of a woodlands surrounding. Now we've got broken husks of buildings. Does it make that much of a difference?", Caesar suggested. He couldn't see why this would be the case but perhaps Heartly had an explanation.

Ferris laughed a short bark of a laugh.

"Hardly. As a matter of fact I expected the death count to rise much slower than this. Though dangerous in some places due to age and instability the old buildings ought to give the tributes ample places to hide and take shelter. I was expecting most of them to run and hide and we'd see a few of them rove around to try and flush the others out. Thirteen is a score I could have only dreamed of...!"

"So what can we expect from those still left in the Game? Anything unusual happening?" Caesar asked this question every year but this time he was actually curious of the answer.

"Well, we've seen an alliance forming between the males of Districts One and Three but the rest of them seem to be pretty much on their own. The Armide girl, having lost her male counterpart, has taken to hiding near the top of one of the buildings. Hydra Kale's little apprentice, meanwhile, seems to have run off and found himself a hiding spot somewhere we didn't put any camera's.

No worries though as we have ways of flushing people out. Some of these buildings were found to be much too unstable by building inspectors to be allowed to stand once the place gets turned in to a museum. So if and when we haven't heard from someone for a while it's only a matter of taking out the trash..."

Satisfied with the answer Caesar crossed his arms and turned to look at the camera as though addressing each spectator directly.

"Well, there you have it! Perhaps we are looking at the shortest Hunger Games of all times but it's promising to be an explosive one, ladies and gentlemen. Stay tuned for the recap after the commercial break and make sure to come back to us tomorrow evening as we inform you of Day Two's events.

My guest this evening has been the one and only Ferris Hearly. I've been Caesar Flickerman and I wish you all a good night and...Happy Hunting!"

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