Chapter 34

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Later that day, at Kitty's place, Kitty, Becca and Kyle were hard at work preparing the food for Santana's wedding when Rachel stepped in, coming to see how everything was going. 

“Hey Kitty, everything on schedule?”, Rachel asked 

“Hey Rachel … yeah, we’re gonna make it; me and my happy volunteers”, Kitty laughed as she saw Becca try to dice a piece of melon and Kyle busy taking some things out of the oven. 

“Hey, I got suckered in this deal”, Becca said loudly 

“Yeah, me too”, Kyle said, “I’m so not meant to be in the kitchen” 

“Says who?”, Rachel asked 

“Says all the ruined food I had to throw away so far”, Kitty intervened 

“Hey, Buddha says it’s the woman’s job to cook”, Kyle said 

“He so did not”, Kitty said 

“Well, he should have said it”, Kyle defended, “You know, I’d do a better job suing the caterer who bailed on us”, Kyle tried to wiggle himself out of the situation he was in. 

“Let’s just concentrate on getting the food done on time. Santana's already close to hyperventilating, let’s not make it worse”, Rachel said 

“Ain't a weddin day supposed to be a happy day?”, Becca asked 

“Not if you’re a perfectionist like Santana. She wants everything to be perfect tonight”, Rachel explained. 

“How about some actual help here?”, Kyle asked Rachel. 

“I’d love to but I have another crisis to attend to that I want fixed before Santana finds out”, Rachel said. “Okay, great that you all wanna help. See you all tomorrow”, Rachel added before quickly exiting the apartment 

“That was weird”, Kitty said before noticing that both Kyle and Becca weren’t doing anything. “Come on, the food isn’t gonna prepare itself!”, Kitty shouted, “Go, go, go!” 

“Okay, tell me exactly what happened?”, Rachel asked a young woman from the local bakery. 

“Well, the cake was standing in the back when someone bumped into it and it fell on the floor”, the woman explained. 

“Okay… then quickly make a new one”, Rachel said, “My best friend is getting married tonight so the cake has to be ready by seven p.m.” 

“Sorry, but that’s just not possible”, 

“What the hell is the hold-up Rachel?”, Brittany asked in an annoyed and bored voice as she stepped in the store. She was obviously in the last stage of her pregnancy. 

“Sorry Brittany, but they ruined the cake and they can’t make a new one in time”, Rachel explained. 

“Listen here little miss Donut or whatever… you better make sure we have that cake or I’m gonna get cranky”, Isabel said in a threatening voice. Rachel mouthed hormones to the woman. 

“Maybe I can arrange something. I’ll see what I can do”, the woman said. 

“Well you better. I’m coming to pick it up at six-thirty and it better be here”, Brittany said to the woman who quickly fled to the back, “Now come on Rachel, I have to pee and that caramel stench here is making me nauseous”. Rachel decided to let it all pass, over the past months, she had come to realize that all the stories about pregnant women were true when it came to Brittany. So without arguing, Rachel exited the bakery, feeling a little sorry for the woman who was obviously scared to death of Brittany. Well, maybe it would help to get that cake, she figured. 

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