chapter 27

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I have returned to this story! Yay!!!!!have you missed me writing this story? I hope so! Anyway on to the story

“Hello Rachel, I am Dr. Green; Lisa Green”, a woman behind a desk said as Rachel entered an office she’s never seen before. The way Dr Green said her name reminded Rachel of that James Bond phrase, Bond; James Bond and she couldn’t suppress a smile. 

“Hi… I’m sorry”, Rachel said. 

“What’s so funny?”, Lisa said as she made a friendly gesture towards Rachel to sit down on the chair opposite to her. 

“Oh, nothing”, Rachel said as she sat down where Lisa pointed her. 

“You’re at a psychologist’s office. The first rule here is that nothing is unimportant. Anything you wanna say, you can say. If you feel like talking about shoelaces for an entire hour, please be my guest.”, Lisa said. 

Rachel looked back at Lisa and gave her a polite smile. “It’s really nothing dr. Green”, she said. 

“Okay, first of all, why don’t you call me Lisa, and then I’ll call you Rachel … okay?”, Lisa asked. 

Rachel nodded in return

“Tell me something about yourself” lisa said

“Okay, I’m Rachel Berry and I’m a secretary at Evans & Rodriguez. Lately, I’m having trouble with this guy who keeps saying that he wants me back. I don’t know what to do anymore so Sam suckered me into coming here”, Rachel said quickly. 

“Alright, you’re a secretary. I heard a lot of stories about Evans & Rodriguez; some more positive than others. How do you like it there?”, Lisa asked. 

“It’s okay”, Rachel said. 

“Rachel, did you know that 90% of all people means not so good when he or she says okay?”, Lisa said matter-of-factly. 

“Okay, it could be better…. Finn works there too”, Rachel said softly. 

“Alright, and is this Finn the same guy who’s trying to win you over?”, Lisa said. Rachel nodded softly. “You mentioned he wanted you back… he’s an ex-boyfriend?”, Lisa asked. 

“Actually, he’s my husband… ex-husband!”, Rachel said quickly correcting herself. 

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. How long were you two married?”, Lisa asked, leaning over the desk a little that made it seem she became increasingly interested in the story. 

“Six months… we were married for six months”, Rachel said softly 

“So what happened?”, Lisa asked. 

“I… I don’t wanna talk about that”, Rachel said softly but firmly 

“That bad, huh?”, Lisa said, deciding not to force Rachel anything right now. Eventually, she’d get to the bottom of it. 

“Uh huh”, Rachel said as she nodded, her eyes averted from Lisa. “He hurt me so much… and now he just wants me to pretend like it never happened”, Rachel continued, much to Lisa’s surprise.

“And now your old feelings for him are starting to come back?”, Lisa guessed. 

“A little..… yes”, Rachel said softly, looking down at her feet and playing with a small thread on her shirt.. 

“And now you don’t know whether you should push him away or take him back?”, Lisa said. 

“Yes”, Rachel said softly. When she looked up again, Lisa could clearly see the tears welling in Rachel's eyes. 

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