chapter 22

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A little over an hour later, Rachel, Kitty, Kyle and Jesse are waiting in the hospital in front of the OR where several doctors are working on Finn. No one is saying a word until a doctor comes out of the room and heads towards them. 

“How’s Finn?”, Kyle asked the doctor with a worried tone in his voice. 

As the doctor tried to speak, Kitty cut him off. “Say coma and I’ll scream” 

The doctor fakes a little smile. “Don’t worry, he’s gonna be fine. He was lucky; the damage was minimal and he’ll wake up in about an hour or so when the anaesthetic wears off. We’ll run some more tests and I’d like to keep him overnight for observation… just to be sure. But my guess is he’ll walk out of here tomorrow.” 

“Oh, thank god”, Rachel whispers 

“I thought you didn’t care”, Jesse couldn’t help but slip 

“What’s that supposed to mean? It’s not like I want him dead”, Rachel said back softly 

“No, you punched him because you love him so much”, Jesse said sarcastically. 

“Alright Jesse, shut up!”, Kyle hissed and turns back to the doctor. “Can we see him?” 

“We’re busy running some tests. You can visit him in an hour or so when he’s awake.”, the doctor said calmly. 

It’s not what they wanted to hear, but they all nodded to the doctor. The doctor then walked away. When he was gone, Jesse stood up. 

“I’m gonna call Brittany. She’ll wanna know”, Jesse said before walking towards the exit to make a call with his cell phone. 

“Sure, take any excuse you need”, Kyle calmly said 

“Rach? Rachel?”, Finn whispered slowly as he regained consciousness in a hospital room. His voice sounded weak, as you would expect from someone who’s lying in a hospital bed recovering from a blow to the head. 

“No, it’s me”, Brittany said softly, silently thanking God that he woke up. It took longer than expected and she had been sitting here for almost half and hour. “How are you feeling?” 

“All things considered, pretty good”, Finn said as he forced a small smile on his face 

“What happened, Finn?”, Brittany whispered. 

“You remember Kitty?”, Finn asks causing Brittany to nod, “Well, she turns out to be an old friend of Rachel's ”, Finn continued. He could see Brittany's eyes grow wide. “Well, they had dinner at Jeff’s and so did me, Kyle and Jesse” 

Finn had to stop for a second because of a sharp pain in the head. When it subsided, he continued, “Turns out Rachel and Kitty had been talking about their relationships and they figured out they were both talking about the same guy… me” 

Brittany just sat there and looked in silence. 

“They didn’t take it too well. I followed Rachel when she left the restaurant. I told her I loved her and she punched me. I lost my balance and I think I hit my head after that, I can’t remember”, Finn finished. 

“I’m sorry Finn ”, Brittany said softly 

“It’s not your fault, it’s mine. Is… is Rachel here?”, Finn asked hopefully 

“I think she’s outside in the waiting room”, Brittany said softly 

“Can you ask her to come in… please”, Finn asked. 

“Okay… I’ll ask”, Brittany said as she smiled at him. She then walked out of the room and into the waiting room where the others were waiting. 

“He’s awake”, Brittany said before turning to Rachel. “He said he really wanted to see you”, Brittany said, her eyes locked on Rachel ’, knowing that Rachel didn’t really want to see Finn at this time, but determined to get Rachel to see him anyway. 

“Fine”, Rachel just said. Brittany smiled and turned away. That was easier than she thought. Now let’s hope that he won’t piss her off again. Another blow like that and he might be less lucky. 

Rachel walked away from the other and into the room where Finn was. Finn watched her come in and sit by his bed without saying a word. They both sat there in silence for a minute. 

“I’m sorry Rachel ”, Finn said softly. Rachel didn’t respond. “I woke up five minutes ago and all I wanted was for you to be here. Every second that passed by without you hurt me so much… that’s what it was like for you when you woke up, wasn’t it?”, Finn asked. Rachel looked away from Finn so he couldn’t see a tear falling from her eye. 

“Rach… I understand that you don’t trust me anymore. I know that I’ve made a lot of mistakes and that I hurt you a lot, but I really do love you. When I lost you in that car accident, my world collapsed. When I left, I broke all contact because I was afraid that… that one day, I would get a message that you would have passed away, and I didn’t think I could handle that. I know it’s no excuse for what I did, but I just wanted you to know that” 

“I don’t know what to do anymore Finn ”, Rachel responded, still turned away from Finn. 

“Do what you always did for all the years I’ve known you, trust your heart.” 

Rachel looked at Finn, whose face was filled with desperation and looked into his eyes… 

I know I'm cruel but you'll just have to wait til the next chapter!!😉 Also what do you think Rachel will say do you think she'll give him another shot? Do you think finn deserves another shot?!

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