chapter 7

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When Rachel got home, she went straight to her bedroom and lied down. Until Finn had stepped into her life again, she thought the day went really well. She had already made several friends at work and everyone had been really nice to her. She had especially liked Brittany who seemed to have some sort of calming effect on her. Rachel smiled. She was related to Finn. She was sure of it now. She had thought of it when she heard Brittany's last name was Hudson but at that time, but she never thought she and Finn would actually be related. But after seeing Finn, she thought differently. 

How could he just step back into her life again? Was this gonna be the story of her life? Was she just supposed to let her heart get shattered into a million pieces every time she saw him from now on. A part of her said maybe she should just quit and go far away, but opportunities like this didn’t come a lot for Rachel. She just couldn’t afford walking away. 

That’s what she told herself at least. In truth, she enjoyed seeing Finn again after all those years. She couldn’t deny that she still loved him. But that didn’t mean she wanted him back. Hell no. She had always thought of Finn as the guy who would stand by her no matter what? She didn’t think she could ever trust him with her heart again. And so silently swore she never would. 

Besides, what was she worrying about? It was not like Finn was still in love with her or anything. He had just been surprised at seeing her. If he had really cared, he would have called a long time ago. He was probably happy with a new wife and a new family. 

“Well Finn, I hope your happy now”, she said in a sarcastic voice.

An hour later, Finn was eating a microwave dinner alone at the dinner table. Usually, he would watch some TV but today, he seemed to enjoy wallowing in silence. He had taken a few bites of his dinner before the doorbell rang. 

“Who is it?”, he shouted at the door. 

“It’s me. Let me in Finn ”, Brittany said 

“Go away Brittany ”, Finn said as he took another bite of his dinner. 

“Finn Christopher Hudson, open the damned door, now!”, Brittany shouted. 

Finn sighed and got up from his chair. When Brittany was like this, there was no talking to her. She would have stood there for hours until he would have opened the door. He walked towards the door and opened it, allowing Isabel to step inside.

“What do you want Brittany ”, he asked, a little more unfriendly than he intended. 

“Sam called me. He said you were acting really weird. What’s going on?”, Brittany asked in a friendly tone. 

“Can’t I just not talk about it?”, Finn asked, not wanting to talk about it. He knew however that if she really wanted to know, she wouldn’t stop before he told her everything. 

“When you’re talking with me, you don’t have the right to remain silent… now spill. Sam said it had something to do with that nice new girl, Rachel ”, Brittany said. 

Finn's lower lip started trembling and he just stared at Brittany for a few seconds. Brittany realized that it definitely had something to do with Rachel as the mere mention of her name was enough to upset him. She thought about it for a few seconds and then it hit her. 

“Rachel … your ex-wife Rachel?”, she asked, startled. “Isn’t she in a coma or something?” 

“Apparently not!”, Finn said in a semi-angry tone 

“Oh my god Finn, I thought you said she would never wake up again.”, Brittany said 

“That’s what the doctors said”, Finn said, “…but apparently those doctors were almost as stupid as me” 

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