chapter 29

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“I heard that”, Puck said softly with a weird grin on his face

Rachel looked at Puck with a confused look. “What?”, Rachel asked 

“Don’t act all innocent. I get enough of that from Santana ”, Puck said, “You gonna take Finn back?” 

“Yes… no… I dunno. Can we lay off the tough questions? I have a psychologist for those”, Rachel said, flashing Puck a half-smile. 

“Fine. I just wanted to say that…”, Puck said, stopping to take a deep breath, “…that I understand if you decide to take him back” 

Rachel smiled at Puck's comment. “I thought you hated Finn ” 

“Rachel, I never had any brothers or sisters… but I see you as a sister and I love you. What I want is for you to be happy. Whether Finn is happy or miserable doesn’t interest me in the least.”, Puck said 

“Oh really? What about you wanting to drown in his own barf?”, Rachel said 

“Well, this may come as a surprise but I didn’t like Finn a lot. When I had him on the phone, I just said what I thought”, Puck explained, “Truth is, I felt really good when telling him” 

“So you do care whether Finn is happy or miserable”, Rachel concluded 

“Saying that I despised him felt good for a second, but after that it was kinda empty. Rachel, take it from me, staying angry will just make you miserable”, Puck said 

“How would you know?”, Rachel asked 

Puck hesitated for a second. “When I was sixteen, and I was living with my foster dad, my real mother and father suddenly stood on my doorstep. They said they wanted to talk to me…”, Puck said before stopping. 

“So what did they want?”, Rachel asked softly 

“I don’t know. I told them that I hated them for leaving me with Hank and I told them to get lost”, Puck said, “I never saw them again after that” 

“And now you think you should have heard them out?”, Rachel asked softly 

“It felt good for a second to tell them how I felt… but ten minutes later, I wished I would have let them in… so they could answer all the questions that I had”, Puck said 

“How come you never mentioned your real parents before?”, Rachel asked. 

“I just wanna forget about it”, Puck said, “I haven’t even told Santana” 

“Well, I won’t tell her anything”, Rachel said, causing Puck to flash her a smile 

“Maybe I should, you know, tell her. I’m just afraid that she’ll go all… Santana… and try to track them down” 

“And would that be such a bad thing?”, Rachel asked 

“How can I possibly face them after what I said to them?”, Puck asked softly 

“Puck, I’m sure they would be very happy if you stood on their doorstep. And I think you’ll feel better when you forgive them”, Rachel said 

“If it’s so easy, why don’t you just forgive Finn?”, Puck asked. 

Darkness had taken over the day about an hour ago, and yet Kyle was reluctant to get up from the bench in the park; the one near the fountain. He had come here because the fountain always made him relaxed. Just watching the water fall always gave him a good feeling. This night, he had hoped to do the same. 

He arrived here a few hours ago. Since then, he discovered that watching a fountain couldn’t make him relaxed; couldn’t make him feel any better. Some part of him wanted to go to Kitty and demand an explanation… another part of him wanted nothing to do with Kitty anymore… and then there was the part of him that just didn’t believe it. 

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