chapter 18

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After remaining at the terrace for another ten minutes, Rachel got up, paid for her drinks and got to her car. This afternoon had really done her good. Kyle had something special, something that made you be able to relax when you’re with him. You know, like a good friend you’ve known for years. 

And then she ran into Kitty. She and Kitty were close friends in high school until Kitty's father found a job in another city. And now that Rachel saw Kitty again, she didn’t think about how much she hated her life right now, it was like she was back in high school for a few minutes. 

Well, until a reference at Jeff’s diner made her think about her father. That slammed her right back into reality. “God, it all happened years ago. Why can’t I let it go?”, Rachel asked herself many times the ten minutes after Kitty left. After a while, it began to rain and Rachel practically ran for her car. Thankfully, it was nearby so she didn’t get too wet. Within the minute, rain was pouring out of the sky at a tremendous rate. Thirty seconds outside and you would have been as wet as when you would have jumped into a swimming pool. 

Rachel started the car and drove home. 

When Rachel got home and stepped through the front door, she was soaked. If possible, it rained even harder when she got home and even though she could park her car at ten seconds distance from her car, those ten seconds were enough. When she was inside, she noticed two coats hanging on the coatrack near the door. She recognized them as Puck and Santana's coats. She walked towards the living room and smiled at the two of them sitting on the couch. 

Santana spotted Rachel first. “Hey honey, how’ve you been?”, Santana said. 

“As well as can be expected.”, Rachel answered with a small smile

“Hey Rachel, why don’t you put on something dry and then we need to talk to you”, Puck said 

“Okay”, Rachel said cautiously and went upstairs to change. 

Santana turned towards Puck. “You don’t think this is a bad timing?”, she asked 

“No, I really don’t.”, Puck answered. 

“I’m sure she’s gonna say yes. Well.. almost sure. She might say no. Oh god, what if she says no?”, Santana ranted. 

“Calm down San, she’s gonna say yes; you and I both know that”, Puck reassured her. 

“But she already has enough on her mind”, Santana said nervously 

“I think that she’d gladly overload her brain for this”, Puck joked. 

It took about three minutes for Rachel to get downstairs; fully redressed in dry clothes. 

“Any tips you could give Santana so she’d be able to change that fast?”, Puck blurted out when Rachel stepped back inside. Santana gave no response, which alerted Rachel that something was going on. 

“Alright, what’s up? You guys sounded all serious”, Rachel commented. 

“Alright…”, Puck started, “We wanted you to be the first to know. Santana and I, we’re…” 

“We’re engaged!”, Santana shouted in the middle Puck sentence. 

Puck and Santana looked in each other’s eyes and smiled before turning back to Rachel. 

“Oh my god, congralations”, Rachel said before running to Santana and hugging her. Puck got a loving hug right after that. 

“And there’s another thing…”, Santana said, “I would very much like it if you’d be my maid of honor”, she said. 

“Oh Santana, I’d love to be your maid of honor.”, Rachel said with a genuine smile on her face. 

Santana knew that Rachel was probably gonna say yes, but she was still visibly relieved that Rachel agreed. Santana had some friends, but none of them was as close to her as Rachel. 

The three of them exchanged some more hugs and they talked about the wedding. After more than an hour, Santana craftily managed to steer the conversation to Rachel's current situation. 

“Alright Rachel, so tell me the dirt. What happened this week?”, Santana asked. 

“Sorry to dissapoint you Santana, but nothing happened.” 

“You ceased to exist?” 

“No, but I haven’t seen Finn since he came here when you were last here. And that was what you were fishing for, right?”, Rachel said rethorically. 

“Well, you definitely sound a lot better Rachel ”, Puck said in an upbeat voice. 

“I’m trying. It comes and goes”, Rachel said 

“So… nothing happened this week?” Santana asked 

“Well, I met this really nice guy at the office and we went for coffee together”, Rachel said. 

“What?? And you say nothing happened?”, Santana practically shouts 

“No, because it was just coffee”, Rachel defended herself, “It’s not like I’ve got a crush on him or something. He’s just nice and I feel relaxed with him… you know, kind of like with the two of you” 

“Honey, that’s the best kind of love. Tell me, is he goodlooking?”, Santana asked, earning her a glare from Puck.

“W..Well… that depends on what you call goodlooking?”, Rachel stammered 

“Come on Rachel. You know what I mean. Brad Pitt, Jenson Ackles, Ricky Martin ” Santana said

“Well, I guess some people would call him goodlooking… okay, he’s a hottie. But that still doesn’t mean I’m attracted to him.”, Rachel said 

“So we’re talking about a goodlooking, nice lawyer who you feel relaxed with. Give me one good reason why you shouldn't give this a shot.”, Santana insisted. 

“Because I’m not in love with him Santana … besides, I don’t think his girlfriend would appreciate it if I did. And did I mention he’s one of Finn's best friends?” 

“No, you didn’t mention all that”, Santana said, a little dissapointed that this guy already had a girlfriend, not to mention that this guy was friends with Finn. 

“Oh, and I met Kitty Wilde from high school”, Rachel said; changing the subject 

“Kitty Wilde? ….You mean that blonde who who kissed Patrick Culwood when he was clearly mine?”, Santana asked 

“Come on Santana; Patrick didn’t even know you existed” 

“That’s not the point” 

“Alright, who is this Kitty?”, Puck asked, hoping for Rachel or Santana to explain what they’re talking about. 

“Kitty was one of my friends in high school until she and her dad moved to another town”, Rachel explained. 

“She was evil incarnate”, Santana said loudly 

“Kitty and Santana never really got along.”, Rachel explained to Puck while glaring at Santana  

“Rachel, Kitty drove everyone around her insane. Not just me”, Santana argued 

“Alright Santana, just drop it. She’s very nice and we’re having dinner tomorrow evening”, Rachel said calmly. 

Santana looked sternly at Rachel for a few seconds. Her look turned quickly into a smile. “Oh, who cares… I’m getting married” 

A few hours later, Puck and Santana went home again. She and Rachel agreed to meet next weekend to discuss the wedding some more. As maid of honor, she was supposed to help Santana with everything concerning the wedding. 

After Puck and Santana went home, Rachel went to bed early and slept peacefully for the first time all week. 

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