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Jimin's mating bite had scabbed and healed, the scar fading so it wasn't sticking out too much.

He was happy about that, though. He didn't want to much attention on him.

It's about a month after Hoseok mated him, and no alpha had approached him, thankfully. Hoseok's scenting was strong.

Jimin was currently at dance practice, and he seemed to be off. He was more tired than usual, especially this early into practice. It was weird. Hoseok kept sending him concerned glances, but Jimin just shook it off.

"Alright class. So we go from here, then into the spin, and land here. Got it?"

"Yes~" the class chimes.

"Good. Okay.. five, six, seven, eight, one two three four fi-"


Jimin hit the floor, unconscious.

The speed at which Hoseok went from he front if the studio to where Jimin was now laying could break records.

He had his phone out, and he dialed Jin, already checking his heart rate and if he's breathing.


"Sorry I couldn't help out with it. I'm just not trained like that."

"No, Hyung. It's fine. It's probably better he's going to the hospital. His behavior has been odd this past two weeks."

"True. Okay, well you keep me updated."

"I will. Bye now, hyung. I have to go."

Hoseok hung up, and looked down to Jimin, who was laying on the stretcher. He gripped the smaller boy's hand, frowning. What was going on with him?


A couple hours later, Jimin had woken up. It was after all tests were run on him, but Hoseok had demanded they test him immediately. They were just awaiting results now.

"I hope I'm okay.."

"Me too, baby, me too." Hoseok said quietly, his arm around Jimin, and he was gently kissing the top of his head.

The doctor came in, a couple papers in his hand, and he sat down quickly, an anxious smile on his face.

"So, results are back."

Jimin sat up more, putting his full attention on the doctor.

"What is it?"

"Jimin here, is pregnant."

Hoseok coughed, blinking a couple times, his mind going blank.

What.. the fuck?

Jimin paled a little, and looked down, resting his hands on his stomach.

Hoseok suddenly broke into a smile, the statement finally sinking in.

"Jiminie! Baby! Oh my god! We're gonna have a baby!! Oh- I love you!!" He looked so excited, and he hugged the smaller, being careful not to hug him too tightly.


Jimmy is only preggo with one pup
Bc he's not a 'wolf' he's still a human so,,

Also,, two updates in one month? I'm spoiling you all

I'm joking

But I wanna update more

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