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"Jimin! Please tell me what's wrong?" Taehyung begged.

Jimin had ran all the way from Hoseok's house to Taehyung and Namjoons apartment. He was hysterical, and refused to talk. He just kept crying.

"Jimin please, we can't help unless you tell us." Namjoon spoke quietly.

He was calming down, his breathing shaky. He nodded, taking a few deep breaths.


"Did he hurt you?" Taehyung asked immediately.

"No.. he.. he killed someone!"

Taehyung blinked, sitting back slowly. "Um.."

Namjoon leaned over, and whispered something, Jimin only catching the word 'Hope World'. Taehyung then nodded.

"Listen Jimin," Namjoon started, "I'm it going to lie to you. Hop- Hoseok is a cruel man. He kills people, he tortures people. That's what he does. He runs the biggest mafia in Korea, and probably one of the biggest in Asia. He knew you two were mates before you did, since he thought you weren't ready. He put a no harm seal on you, and no one wanted to feel the wrath of him, so every gang in Korea knows who you are and what you look like, in case you're in trouble."

"Thats a little creepy that they know what I look like.."

"You you have rather been taken advantage of by a random alpha who thinks he owns you?"

"I see your point."

"I know you're a bit shocked, but Hoseok isn't going to change. He was raised like this, and yes, he knows he could probably be a better person, but he doesn't want to. He's happy the way he is. And I also know, now that you ran from him, he's gonna be angry."

Jimin pushed his hands into his face, groaning. "I need to process this. I can't see him right now."

"Of course, Jiminie-hyung. Stay here as long as you need."


"Hoseok! Calm down!"

"For once, Seokjin, I'm not going to listen to you."

Seokjin raised his eyebrows, "Excuse me! You're going to do something stupid! Because you're mad, so stop!"



"Breaking news! There has been a recent line of serial killings. We urge you all to stay indoors, and keep your doors locked."

"I told you he'd be mad."

Jimin groaned, and pursed his lips. He knew he would be the one that had to stop this, but he didn't want to face him.

But he was a decent human. He couldn't let people keep dying.

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