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Thank you so much Trash_4_Yoongi for helping me with this chapter!! I honestly didn't know what to write for this story!

Make sure to check out my new story, Split
It's jihope, and it's about angels and demons


"Jimin's how's your throat feel?" Jin asked.

Jimin looked at Jin with a slightly confused look, before the meaning of the question sunk in, and his face flushed red.

"A-ah.. it's fine, th-thank you."

"Don't be embarrassed, Jiminie." Hoseok said, ruffling his hair. "Ah! Gguk, come with me. I need to talk to you about something."

Jungkook nodded, and got up, following Hoseok out of the dining room.

Everyone had finished dinner, and they were slowly migrating away from the table.

Jimin stretches his arms, a contented smile on his face. Seokjin cooked very well.

He got up from the table, and started making his way to his and Hoseok's room. He wanted to get his phone and scroll through social media.

As he walked past Hoseok's office- why he had one when he was a dance instructor is a mystery to Jimin- he heard his mate and Jungkook talking.

"I need those shipments picked up and delivered."

"Of course, sir. I'll do it right away tomorrow morning."

That's all Jimin heard, until he was out of earshot. Did Hoseok run a business? Was that why he lived in such a nice house?

He didn't put much thought into it though. Hoseok was his own person.

As he reached the room, he inhaled deeply. It smelt of Hoseok, and just a little leftover hint of Jimin's Slick, and that made him blush. The two scents mixed well nicely, as if they were meant to be together.

Jimin's phone rang, pulling him out of his daze, and he wandered over to his phone, and looked at the screen. 'TaeTae❤️' flashes across the screen, and a smile made its way onto his face.

Swiping to answer the call, Jimin pushed the phone up to his ear.

"Hi Tae! How's your vacation?"

"Oh it's great, but Joonie-hyung and I decided to come back early. He had some work things he was called in for, and I missed you too much, Minnie!

"Awh! I miss you too! It sucks that you had to cut it early though."

"Ah, it's fine. I'm not too upset. Joon is bringing me to a party tomorrow night, after we get back to make up for it. He wanted to know if you'd like to come? And, of course invite Hoseok!"

"Oo! I'd love to go! I'm not sure if Hobi-hyung would, but I'll ask him."

"Alright, good! Well, I should let you go, Joonie said he had a surprise for me."

"Okay, bye bye, Tae! I love you, and have fun!"

"Bye bye! I love you too!"

Jimin hung up, and walked out of the bedroom. He felt like being somewhat social, which mean sitting in the living room as he scrolled through his phone.

Surprisingly, the rest of the people living in the house didn't react much to Jimin basically moving in now. They didn't mind. Sure, it was a big house, but still.

((Tbh Hoseok was so fuckin whipped, he talked about Jimin so much it felt as if he lived with them before lmao ))


"Where do you think you're going dressed like that? Your body is for my eyes only." Hoseok asked, his voice low.

Jimin was in a pair of leather skinny jeans(not jeans but eh), and a flowy dress shirt that was a size or two too big, and the neck Came down in a v, and a matching choker. His collarbones and a lot of his chest were exposed.

"Uh.. to the party with Tae. The one you didn't want to go to." Jimin sassed. He was slightly mad that Hoseok didn't want to go, but at the same time, he said he had some business to take care of, so it wasn't the end of the world.

"Not dressed like that, you aren't." Hoseok hissed, his eyes just crawling over the exposed skin. He didn't want anyone looking at him the way only he was supposed to. And the pants- they were way too tight. "Where did you get those pants?"

"Hm? I don't remember, but I was with Tae, because I know he has a matching pair. If it makes you feel any better, Namjoon, Tae's alpha will be there! But I'm going whether you like it or not."

Hoseok knee exactly who Namjoon was, but of course Jimin didn't need to know that.

Taking in a deep breath, he began speaking, closing the space between him and Jimin in about two steps.

"Fine. You can go, but you will not dance with anyone. You will not give your number to anyone. You will not drink. You will update me every hour. Got it?"

Jimin's eyes were closed, and he nodded, "Yes alpha."


Jimin got home at around three am, tired, and ready to sleep. He had followed all the rules Hoseok had given him, not wanting to get in trouble. Hoseok seemed like he wouldn't be fun to be around if he was mad.

He did, however, get a few new followers on Instagram, though. It wasn't a problem.

As he walked into the house, staying quiet, because he knew people would be asleep, he heard talking in the kitchen.

Venturing closer to the kitchen, surprised people were actually awake, Jimin could heat what they were saying before he got there. But what he heard, made him stop.

"Jesus, Hobi, you gotta stop getting so messy. There's blood all over!" It sounded like Seokjin. "I can't believe you're keeping me up this late. I'm supposed to get my beauty sleep, you know!"

"Sorry, sorry! It's just, you're the best at this in the house, and there's no way I'm gonna wake up Yoongi unless it's one hindered percent necessary." Hoseok.

"True. So how'd your kill go tonight?"

"It went great! He wasn't an easy kill. Struggled a lot, but in the end, he kissed the barrel, like the rest."

"Aish, you're so heartless about murder."

"I prefer contract kills."

"Bullshit. Most of your kills are just for fun, or making your rank higher among gangsters."

"Not the point. But yea, I need to make sure they know who's in charge!"

Jimin couldn't believe what he was hearing. Killing? Murder? Gangs?

He slowly backed away, then, of course, he bumped into a wall.

"What was that?" Came Hoseok's voice, and quickly, he was out in the hallway, and saw Jimin, wide eyed.

Hoseok was covered in blood. Literally everywhere.

"Y-you fucking monster!" Jimin hissed, and quickly ran out of the house, not looking back. Not caring of Hoseok called after him.

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