Why...Len? Why?

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*The next morning i wake up to smell eggs and leeks* Me: Sniff...sniff...mmm~ i smell toasted leeks, and soft yummy eggs....*i walk downstairs in my PJ's, slippers, and messy pigtails in* Me: *rubs eyes* Ohaio(Good morning).... Rem: Good morning. Ram: Good morning. *I look around then look back at rem and ram* Me: WAIT, YOU'RE BACK?? Rem: Yes. *i yell then see Luka laying on the couch sleeping* Me: ahehehe....*grins then walks over to luka* Me: time to wake up luka....hehehe......! *Tickles luka and she wakes up laughing/screaming* Luka: NUUU STAPH!! I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!! HEHEHE!! *she rolls off the couch and onto my toe* Me: OWWWWWW!!!!

                                         Ram's P.O.V
*meanwhile while hearing Miku and Luka in the living room, me and rem are cooking breakfast* Me: *sigh*....They better not make another mess. Rem: Hm? *Rem glares/stares at me in a confused look as i look at her back* Me: I'm pretty sure you know what i mean. Rem: Ohh....now i understand. *Miku is screaming and Luka is laughing while screaming and i slam the knife in the counter and walk into the living room to see a mess* Me: grrr.......MIKU, LUKA GET YOUR ASSES RIGHT HERE! *Miku and Luka put on a scared face* Miku whispers to Luka: uh oh.... Luka whispers back: I'm scared....! *Rips knife out of counter* Me: I CAN HEAR YOU! *they tremble in fear* Me: Sit at the table this instance, and think about what you have done! *Miku and Luka crawl towards the table and sit down in chairs* Rem: Ram, you didn't have to be so mean.... *I glare at rem and she just gets back to cooking* Me: *sighs as i grab the plate with toasted tuna, and an egg and the plate with toasted leek, and an egg* Me: Here. *puts the plate with the tuna and egg on Luka's side and the plate with the leek and egg on Miku's side* Me: Eat up. Miku and Luka: A-arigato(th-thank you)....*I walk to the living room and clean up with rem*

                                       Miku's P.O.V
*I sigh and look at Luka and whisper "Ram is scary"* Luka whispers: i know right.....? *5 minutes later the living room is clean and Luka and I finish breakfast* Me: Luka, i'm gonna go see some people, so could you please make sure nothing happens? *Luka store at me for a moment then sighed* Luka: Sure.... Me: Thanks! *I run upstairs and take a shower than put my pigtails in and i put on my Vocaloid outfit then i go downstairs and open the door* Me: I'll be back in at least an hour or two! *i walk out and shut the door* Me: Mmmhhhh.....Ah! *I stretch than let out a sigh of relief* Me: Hmm....looks like it might be a little cloudy today. *I start walking than click a button and then my school uniform appears on me* Me: There. This outfit is much lighter. *A few minutes later it's super cloudy and it starts sprinkling* Me: Nooo!! I didn't bring an umbrella! *i start running then i bump into someone* Me: Oof! *falls on the ground and rubs my head* Unknown Boy: You okay Miku-Chan? Me: Yeah, but how do you know my-- *I look up and see Len there holding his umbrella over both me and him* Me: LEN-SAN!? *Len gently smiles than helps me up* Len: Mhm. *Me and Len start walking and then he stops* Me: Huh? Len: Miku-Chan....did i ever tell you.....that....i....i.....i like you....? *I turn and look at him to see him blushing* Me: WH-WHAT!? WHY LEN? WHY?!
Len: .... *it's silent then suddenly* Len: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! MIKU I LOVE YOUUUU!! *Len starts singing like crazy and i have the most confused look on my face* Me: Len......  Len: I LOVE YOOOOOOOUUUUU----- Me: LEN! *Len stops and looks at me with a confused expression to see me crying* Len: Miku-Chan...? Me: Len i.....i am a lesbian. Len: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *three hours later and he is still screaming* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? *i hug Len* Me: Gomenasai(I am sorry) *I knock Len out and tie him in my basement and leave him there for a day*
Me: Hi luk-- *Luka runs to me and forces and kiss on me* Me: Luka st-- *she pushes me against the wall and keeps kissing me* Me: STOP IT! *I force her off me* Luka: Miku...... Me: Luka, what is wrong with you!? Luka: Well i--- *we hear screaming from my basement and freeze* Luka: Uhh miku-- Me: LUKA I GOTTA GO GAG SOMEONE WITH DUCT TAPE! Luka: Wtf......*Luka looks confused as i run down to the basement with duct tape*

                                      [LUKA'S P.O.V]
Me: I wonder why miku ran down to the basement with.... duct tape...? Hmmm.....*I go to mikuos old room which is now mine* let's see......*opens nightstand drawer and grab out my phone with a bunch of pictures of miku in a bikini* Me: Again i ask myself, why do i have these? *I for some odd reason feel a bunch if pain in my arm* Me: AGH!! *falls onto the ground in pain* Me: THE PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!!! *I feel as if something is being carved into my arm and i look to see something saying "03"* Me: Wh-what is this....? It appears to be...a symbol? Just like the one on Miku's arm saying "01".......what dies it mean...? *I sit there question myself*

                                      [MIKU'S P.O.V]
*I hear screaming then my symbol glows and i fall to the ground screaming as Len is gagging since i gagged him with duct tape* Me: What....the hell is going on...!? Have we finally found the third Vocaloid!?


Miku: Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Oh and hint: Luka is the third Vocaloid. Well actually that's the answer, if you didn't know lol! Well, please keep reading! Oh btw there will now be a theme song! ^^ Byee!~

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