Do i like Miku?

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*I wake up the next day seeing myself under the covers wearing nothing but a bra and panties* Me: AHHHH!! *screams then puts on a pink crop top and a pink skirt* Me: did Luka undress me...? Wait...i was wearing my Vocaloid outfit, so if i must've ran out of energy and it made me shut down, and take off all my equipment. *puts in my long turquoise pigtails with pink bows in my hair then goes downstairs* Me: Good morning luk-- *See's Luka drinking a cup of wine* Me: LUKA! Luka: WAT!? Me: YOUR DRINKING!? Luka: No! *points at bottle of wine* Luka: O SHT I AM! *facepalms* Luka: Oh's delicious anyway. Me: How old are you?! Luka: 18 Me: Uhh....i don't know if it's legal to drink at 18 Luka: Oof too late....aaanyway....miku how bout we get down to bussinness... Me: Okay Luka....i think your drunk! *Luka walks towards me* Luka: Wat? Noooo....*Luka is stumbling towards me then drops bottle then tries to take off my shirt* Me: No Luka! Stopp!! *Luka stops and giggles* Luka: Just kidding! This isn't wine, it's apple juice in a wine bottle. Me:!? Luka: I pranked you. *I fall on the floor and cry* Me: why though...? *sniffle* Luka: idk....i just thought it would be funny....i didn't mean to make you cry...*she sits down and hugs me* *sniffle* Me: Luka.... Luka: yes miku? Me: there's a spider on your back. Luka: WAIT WHAT!?! GET IT OFF!! *puts spider on my finger then releases it* Me: Go free my little spider! Luka: WHY!? WHAT IF IT GETS TO OTHERS!? Me: Don't worry it won't. Well i gotta go grocery shopping, bye Luka! *grabs bags then walks out the door* Luka: MIKUUU NOO--- wait, why did i just say no? *Luka thinks for hours and hours then I come home* Luka: MIKUUUUU!! *Luka runs up to me and hugs me* Me: Luka? Luka: mmm....Miku your hair smells like blossoms.... Inside lukas head: Wait why did i just say that? Inside my head: What is up with Luka..!? Me: Luka can you help me with the bags of food? Luka: Uhh...y-yeah.... Inside lukas head: my heart is pounding...? *I set a few bags on the ground and Luka sets some on the counter* Me: Luka? Luka: Y-Yes? *Luka jumps a bit as if she was startled* Me: Luka what is going on? Luka: What do you m-mean? *Luka blushes* Me: You've been acting strange. And look! Even your face is red! Luka: I uhh....have a fever! Me: WHAT!? And you didn't tell me?? Let me go get a thermometer! *I run upstairs and Luka sighs* Luka: i should've just said i slapped myself.... *I come downstairs with a thermometer then see Luka and her stuff gone* Me: LUKA WHERE DID YOU GO!? *See's the door open* Me: uh oh...

Luka's P.O.V
Me: Oof....why did i i like Miku? Why do i blush, my heart, starts beating rapidly, and i i.....LIKE MIKU HATSUNE!?! *I yell at myself as everyone stares at me* .... *runs and hides in a bush and See's miku* m-m-miku-chan.....?? *heart beats rapidly* .... no no no.....this can't be happening.....! Unknown Kid Voice: Yeah, this can't be happening. *I look up to see a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes grinning* Me: Wh-who are you...!? Len: Kagamine Len nice to meet you. *he reaches his hand out to mine with a "handsome" face* Me: ....t(•-•t) *flips him off and he cries* Unknown Girl Voice: Onii-Sama! *a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes smacks the sh*t outta Len* Me: Oof 0_0" *Len rubs his red cheek* Len: Rin Kagamine why did you do that!? Unknown Girl: You're flirting again why else!? *I watch them argue than the girl looks over at me and points at me* Unknown Girl: Len who's this? Len: I honestly don't know...... *Len still rubbing his cheek than the girl turns over to me* Unknown Girl: You are? *a small gasp from beneath my breath* Me: uhm....Megurine Luka...and you must be Rin Kagamine. Rin: Yep. My dumbass brother (Len) was probably flirting with you considering....*she looks down at my waist then my chest and i blush* Me: ??? Rin: Whatever anyway, i gotta take this dork elsewhere. Bye. Me: Uhm....Bye? *watches Rin grab the back of lens shirt and drag him* Me: What was that all about...? *I look over then suddenly....*

Miku's P.O.V
*is at the store with a basket full of leeks and stuff to make soup* Me: ♪ hm hmm....♪ Huh? *sees a little girl in a pink hoodie crying than i let go of my basket and run to her* Hey are you alright?! *she cries more than i grab her and her bangs are covering her eyes* Me: hey little gi---- *i uncover her eyes than the lights in my eyes fade away and i fall unconscious hearing a sinister laugh* [TO BE CONTINUED]

Me: You may have thought this was a lemon but nope! ^^ Please keep reading! :)

A love story (Miku x Luka) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now