Chapter 2 ~ Subliminal Message

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 "Beautiful face. Beautiful body. Horrible attitude. It is the holy trinity of hot boys."

"No way." She was looking at me with a little smirk on her face, she was mocking me even though this was serious!

"I tell you, it was that weird." I blinked with a disgusted look on my face, while she was bursting in laughter. "It's not funny, he was... different, he even knew where I live" Right when I said that, Arabella, my best friend, looked at me serious.

"That's not weird Henn, that's creepy." Her voice trailed in the end, worried, I could see. Finally, she could see how fucked up this whole thing was.

"Well done Sherlock, I would never get there." I rolled my eyes, receiving a sigh from Bella, now she really started to worry, maybe she was even afraid.

Even though I didn't want to admit, I was pretty scared. The way he talked, the way he looked at me. It was all so... intimidating, so weird. All I knew about him was his name, and he seemed to know quite a lot about me, how? 

"Henna, get away from him." She told me, trying to warn me from what I already knew. It's not like I can decide that.


After a marathon of Teen Wolf, and Arabella always complaining about the fact that Scott was an Alpha and always lost a fight, I could manage to make us some snacks without her pulling me back to bed, because she was definitely scared to watch that all alone. I have to say, Season 4 was creepy as fuck with all those weird things that Kate has.

"I can't believe this!" She screamed at the computer making me roll my eyes, it was funny to see how she got really into the serie. "Kate and Peter, they're going to work together." She closed the laptop, looking at me. "And that fucking little bastard wants power, he's going to kill my Scott!" She screeched, her eyes wide. "Oh my god, what do you think he'll do? Will he-"

Before she could end, I received a message. I grabbed my iPhone 5s in a golden tone, a new acquisition, to see from who it was. I furrowed my brows, looking at the screen. It was unknown. "C'mon idiot, just read it:" Arabella looked annoyed from how slow I was being, well, not my fault, it could be a serial killer. I overreact a lot, I know. 

'I'll pick you up at 8p.m, be ready H x'

As soon as I realized from who it was, my eyes got wide, how did he got my number? All of a sudden I felt like panicking, he knew my frickin' number! As soon as Arabella read it as well, she looked at me, paralyzed, not knowing what to do.

"Well, there's only one way to know what he wants, I'm going."  I whispered locking the screen, not wanting to think about it, what the hell did he want with me. What if he wanted to kill me? I started trembling with my own thought, that was probably why he was so intimidating. 

"What!? No you're not Hens, you're staying here, I don't want you to get hurt." I could feel the fear in her voice. 

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