Chapter 1; Teams

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"Kiba with Hinata and Shino, Ino with Choji and Shikamaru......(A/N: It goes on forever let's just skip.) .....and lastly the unlucky ones. Sakura with Sasuke and Naruto," As Iruka finishes the last remaining students he also add a little venom on Naruto's name.
"Okay, kids! The project is about a role play of a story called "The little red riding hood" but with a twist of romance between lil red riding hood and the cursed wolf!" Said Iruka happily as ever.
"So duck-butt, whose gonna be the cursed wolf?" Asked Naruto.
"Well I think dob-" he was cut off by Sakura. "Rock Paper Scissors to see who will be the cursed wolf! Who loses will be the cursed wolf and who wins will be the narrator!"
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And Sasuke won. So that means Naruto have to play as the cursed wolf. Sakura have to play a role, the lil red riding hood named Alice. (A/N: OC)
"Duck-Butt can we go to your house to work on the project if we haven't finished it?" Asked Sakura.
"Fine Pinky." Said Sasuke annoyed.
~At the end of the day~
"Let's walk home together teme, dattebayo!" Said Naruto and Sakura happily as they ran to catch up with Sasuke.
~At the Uchiha's compound~
"Mom, Dad and Nee-San I'm home!" Yelled Sasuke.
"Oh my! Never have I ever saw my lil boy bringing friends over!" Said Ms.Uchiha.
Hearing that statement, Sasuke blushed a very very light pink. "Now let's just get this over with." Said Sasuke.
Then they went to his room and Sakura started writing the script. Sasuke asked his own *cough* clothes designer to make the costumes for the play. Naruto started to practiced the lines that Sakura had written for him.
When they finished everything they still had some time left to spare so Naruto and Sakura suggests to explore the Uchiha's compound but Sasuke declined saying "Hn, I don't want to Pinky and Dobe."
When they're gone Sasuke started to think about why Sakura doesn't fangirl over him. He remembered that most the girls in their class fond over him.
When Sasuke first got to the 'Ninja Academy' he was circled by the girls saying seductive/inappropriate stuff at him even though he's 7. They also knew his name!
He was irritated and annoyed. It kept going on for as long as he can remember which decreases a bit when he, Sakura and Naruto are friends. It still sucks though.
~End of Flashback~
'Why can't all the girls be like Sakura that time? Can't they be mature, smart, friendly, and prett-nope! That vocabulary doesn't exist in my life EVER!!!'
When they finished their work, Sakura went straight to her home while Naruto went for Ramen As usual.
(A/N: wonder why they play Rock Paper Scissors? Cuz both the boys want to play as the cursed wolf. Naruto admits it and he succeeded while Sasuke is....denying it. I'll have to say that Sasuke is a tsundere. I think Gaara will appear in the next chapter...HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!!
Cya readers.)

569 words

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