Chapter 8

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Gabi's POV

The steady beeping sound wakens me from my deep sleep. The lights in the room are bright and blinding as I try to sit up. It hurts too much. What happened? Then I remember. Where's Mom? Is she okay?

I sit in the hospital bed for no more than a few minutes before a nurse comes in with my dad. How did he find out? Didn't we run away from him? In the meantime, I am glad that he's here so that we don't have to run from him anymore. Maybe this is just what we've needed.

"How are you, Gabriella?" the nurse asks, standing beside my bed in her monotone blue outfit.

"Sore," I reply quietly. My throat aches and I feel as if I've been beaten or run over by a truck. I don't remember being attacked, but I know that it happened to both me and Mom. "How's Mom?" I ask.

"She hasn't woken up yet," the nurse replies looking at Dad.

"Why did you leave?" Dad questions after the nurse leaves. 

I refuse to answer using my sore throat as an excuse, but I know that he doesn't believe it.

A nurse comes into the still, awkward room about 10 minutes later and whispers something to my dad. He leaves the room looking both happy and suddenly scared, making me wonder what happened.

I sit up in the bed and eat the food in front of me. It hurts my throat a little, to swallow, but I eat anyways, knowing full well that I could be admitted for an eating disorder if I don't. Mom freaks out way too easily. But then I remember that Mom isn't awake yet and can't watch to see if I'm eating or not. It saddens me for some reason.

I feel as if my problems are a tiny part of the red stain in the plain sheets of our family. Mom's been through more than I could ever imagine and Dad has to deal with the possibility if losing her. I realize that they care about me, but maybe they just need each other right now.

You Never Really Can Fix A Heart (Sequel to LML&L)Where stories live. Discover now