Chapter 2

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Gabi's POV

I pull my sweatshirt sleeves down over the cuts and scars on my wrists before tying my hair up into a ponytail. I finally landed myself with a part-time job at an office last week and today is my first day working there.

Mom said that I didn't need to work, but I want to. Just to prove that I can. I will be the morning assistant to one of the bigger employees at the office and am quite excited to be able to do something other than play music and study online.

"Why did you suddenly lay this all on me?!" I hear Mom yell from downstairs. Oh no, here we go again.

"I'm sorry, but I know that you wanted to play a part in planning the wedding!" Dad yells back.

"I have to work to do and cannot be responsible for everything!"

I sigh, grab my bag and phone, and sneak out the door into the garage. I got a car for my birthday last year and it has become very useful when it comes to getting away while Mom and Dad are fighting.

I start the car up and drive to work, thankful to be avoiding the mess at home.

Joe's POV

"Demi please!" I yell, trying to stop our argument. "I don't want to fight like this."

"You starte-" she stops mid-sentence and looks up at me. Seeing the tears in her eyes makes me feel terrible for ever doing anything to hurt her, including fighting back.

"I'm really sorry."

"I am too," she says as we hug.

I really have missed the peace and happiness that we had when we first got back together. Maybe we're getting married too soon and should wait. Of course, I don't say this aloud. I wouldn't unless I wanted her mad at me again.

"Where's Gabi?" I ask. "Has she left for work?"

Demi nods. "I really don't think she likes us fighting."

"None of us do," I reply. "How about we spend the day together. No distractions and time to put a hold on wedding planning. We can't get too caught up in the stress of it all."

I watch her as she nods and smiles at me. I can't help but smile back as I see her. How did I get so incredibly lucky?


The next morning I wake up to see that Demi is already awake and dressed. 

"Good morning," she says. "Gabi's already left for work. She asked to work mornings so that she could relax every afternoon."

I nod in response as Demi sits beside me on the bed. 

"Do you miss New York?" she asks.

"A little, but it's easier to live here."

"I guess that it's back to wedding planning," Demi sighs. She sounds less than enthusiastic.

"I guess so..."

"Oh, whatever! One more day off couldn't hurt." 

I laugh at her adorable accent that shone through and agree that we need to spend more time for ourselves. 

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too," she replies, sealing it with a kiss.

You Never Really Can Fix A Heart (Sequel to LML&L)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon