Chapter 1

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---Author's Note: This is the sequel to Leave Me Lost & Lonely, so please read that one first.---

Gabriella's (Gabi's) POV

Today marks the 2 year anniversary of my parents and I reuniting. I know that I should be more excited about it, but having a real family isn't as magical as I had always believed it would be. Sure, Mom and Dad still love each other, but they fight at times and have been paying less attention to me, especially since they got engaged last month. 

Dad has decided to get back into singing as that was his career and Mom still sings. I'm 18 and can take care of myself, but it's at times like these when I wish that they had gotten back together when I was younger.

After my parents decided to get back together and finally give me the family that I deserved, we moved into a new house that is relatively normal. At least normal for a house that has two celebrities living in it. I have my own room and Mom and Dad share, most of the time. Now that they're engaged, they've been wedding planning, which can lead to a lot of arguments.

I'm graduating in a few weeks and then I am technically free from my parents, but I really don't want to leave them. Homeschooling has been great and I'm ahead in all my classes. Dad said that I am allowed to stay for as long as I'd like, as long as I consider my future and work towards it. I don't know what I want to do as a career. I wish that this part of growing up was easier.

Dad explained to us why he faked his death and I am actually glad that he did it. Sure, it caused a lot of pain, but without it I never would have met Mom and we never would have become a family. Anyways, I'm just glad for the chance to be a normal girl for once. If only I knew what normal was.

Demi's POV

I can't believe that it's been 2 years since Joe and I got back together after 16 years apart. Our daughter, Gabi, is already 18 and almost graduating and Joe and I are engaged. Life is so crazy and I never would have believed that it could turn out like this. 

My singing career has been successful and I finally won a Grammy last year, but I am considering taking a break once Joe and I are finally married. I'll see where life takes me first, though. 

Gabi has become a very independent girl and has been homeschooling herself from online. She still loves to practice her singing and piano and I have asked her to perform on stage with me, but she always turns it down. I love her so much and wish that I could have given her a better life earlier on.


Here is chapter 1 of the sequel to Leave Me Lost & Lonely! I hope that you enjoy. Thank you!


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