Chapter Ten

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I wake up the next morning with my whole body in pain. I carefully sit up looking around i realize im not in mine and Matts' room im in the pack hospital. "Oh thank god Ash your awake!" I hear Matt says and he runs over to me.

"What happened?" I ask hugging him tightly

"When we went on our run yesturday we ran into a rouge that killed your parents. You got so angry yout Fangari powers broke out early and you made her burst into flames." Matt explains.

"I killed her?" I ask horrifyed

"Yes you did baby but dont worry about it. We all understand why you did it. Now i want you to lay back down and get some more rest." Matt says kissing my forhead.

"No i cant. I have to go to school. I have perfect attendence and im not going to mess that up now that my Fangari powers are free. Please Matt." I say cupping his cheek looking deeply into his eyes.

"Fine but you are riding with me and if anything and i mean anything happens you are to tell me and we are heading home." Matt says with a seriousness in his voice that sends shivers down my back.

I nod and carefully stand with the help of Matt he leads me back to our room and helps me shower and wash my hair. When im finished i get dressed in a pain of black skinny jeans and my Black Veil Brides sweater. I slip on my knee high chucks and my phone into my pocket. I dry and curl my hair quickly before grabbing my back pack making my way down the steps and into the kitchen where i see Matt standing in his Jeans and Navy Blue button up shirt wirh a black blazer over top. I bite my lip supressing a moan. "You look hot dressed up baby" I say walking closer and rapping my arms tightly around his waist from behind.

Matt turs around in my arms looking down at me as he raps his arms around me aswell. "As do you Mi amor. It will be hard to keep my eyes off of you in class today" He says with a smirk. "Should we get going?" He ask

"What why? Class doesnt start till eight and its only seven" I say with a huff

"Yes but i am a teacher love and i have to be there early. Besides do you want to rise susption with u showing up together?" Matt ask kissing the top of my head.

"No i guess not." I say smiling up at him and pecking his lips quickly. "Shall we head out?" I ask.

Matt nods grabbing my hand and leading me out to the truck. I climb intot he passanger side and he into the driver. He starts it up and She Loves the Boy by Trisha Yearwood comes on the radio. I smile and start to sing along as we drive to school. Matt reaches over gripping one of my hands tightly as he drives.

We reach the school quickly and pull into the almost empty parking lot. Only a few staff members and like two nerds from the chess team are here this early. "What are we learning in class today?" I ask as Matt and I step out of the truck and start heading to the school.

"We are going to start reading Romeo and Juliet," Matt says placing his hand on my shoulder leading me into the school.

"Ooh I love Romeo and Juliet i have read it like a thousand times!" I gush showing off my little neardy side about things.

"Well then im sure you will go great on the assigenments that go along with ready it. Now lets get up to my room so we can work on your tutoring." Mayy said smiling down at me. I looked up at him confussed till the smell of cheap calonge and cheerios fill my nose.

I smile and nod at the passing princeable. "Hello Mr.McBroom." I say in a happy voice even though the smell of him wants to make me gag

"Hello Ashton, Mr.Jameson. What are you doing here so early?" He ask staring at us with suspition.

"I called Ashton here in for some before school tutoring. She has been having a little bit of difficulty witht he last unit we covered and i want to give her a chance to do better on some of the assigenments she did poorly on" Matt says smoothly, making even me almost believe the lie and i knew the truth.

"Well i hope the extra help, does you some good Ashton." Mr.McBroom smiles and walks back to the main office.

Matt and i walk upstairs to his class and when we get in  he shuts and locks the door so we wont have anyone barge in on us. "He smell down right awful" I say chuckling a little.

"You get use to the poor smell of humans in time mi amor. Soon you wont even notice them while they are talking to you. You will be able to in a way turn off your nose." Matt says sitting on his chair. He reaches out grabbing my belt loops and pulling me on top of him so im stradling his waist.

"You know i love you right?" I ask rapping my arms around Matts' shoulder as he tightens his grip on my waist.

"Yes baby i know. And you know I love you so much more" He says with a big smile before pulling me down for a deep and passion filled kiss.

We kiss for what seems like forever and when we pull apart we are both panting for air. I lean my forhead on Matts' and kiss his lips one last time quickly before pulling off of him. "The bell is about to ring honey im going to go unlock the door." I say with a wink and make sure to sway my hips a little more than normal as i walk to the door and unlock it.

"You are going to be the death of me Ashton Clearweather" Matt chuckles at me as i try to be sexy and take my seat but end up tripping and faling into it.

I blush and pull my things out of my bag getting ready for the class. "It apears i might also be the death of myself" I chuckle and Matt shakes his head standing so he can also prepair for class.

English class went by really fast as did the rest of the day. Matt and i were now in the truck heading home laughing and singing along to the radio. Everything seems like its going perfect. That is untill we pull into the pacj house driveway. About twenty cars from my old pack are in the drive, weres are scattered everywhere, Children are crying wemon and men are also. And i see Justin hanging his head low and when he looks up at me and i see the tears shining on his face i know. Somethifn happened. Something really bad had to happen for Justin to be crying. After our parents died he swor to never cry again. And here he is, on my doorstep with tears rolling down his face.

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