Chapter Nine

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Matt and I soend the day with Justin and Miranda, we went to see 22 Jump Street and we shopped at the mall where i got some new clothes to replace the old ratty ones i had and i also got a new fancy outfit for the date Matt will be taking me on tomorrow. When we get back to the pack house its about Six in the after noon. We walk in and see all the pack members scattered around playing in the game room, watching Tv or eating. "Babe im going to head upstirs with our bags and get a shower" I say kissing his lips quickly before running up the stairs.

When i get into the room i take a quickly shower, making sure to shave what little hair i have on my body before getting out. I turn on my curling wand as i pull out the outfit i got from Victoria Secret out. Biting my lip i slip on the lace night gown and matching thong. Once my wand is heated i begin curling my hair into tight ringlets, once finished i turn it off and i slip on the robe over my ourfit. I put on my black heels and sit up on the bathroom counter to wait till my mate comes into the room. It doesnt take long a few moments later i smell him walk in. "Ash where are you?" He ask

"Im in the bathroom, i will be right out" I say smiling to myself in the mirror. I hear the creek of the bed and i know he has sat on it waiting for me. I open the bathroom door and step out with a smirk. I watch as his eyes go almost black with lust as he rakes up and down my body. Biting my lip i slowly untie the belt of my robe letting it drop and exposing my lingerie night gown. Matt lets out a growm before standing and walking over to me. With my heels on im almost his hieght which is kind of nice. He leans down a little pressing his lips to my neck.

"Step out of your heels" He says between kisses

I obey stepping out of them. HE scoops me up and carries me over to the bed gentally laying me down. He crawls on top of me and i smile up at him. "I love you so much" I whisper before crashing my lips to his.

~~~The Next Day

I wake up to the feeling of hot sun on my back and strong arms rapped tightly around my waist. Smiling i look over at Matt who had his eyes cosed still sleeping and he looks so peaceful. "Take a picture it will last longer" He says smiling without opening his eyes.

"I dont know what you are talking about" I say blushing and turning away

"I feel you staring at me baby." He chuckles.

I gumble a little before shimming out of his arms and making my way into the bathroon to shower. I wash my hair and body quickly beofre steeping out and rapping a towl aroung myself i walk over to the sink to brush my teeth. "What are we doing today?" I ask

"Well I would say school but it was canceled." Matt says walking into the bathroom.

"Oh shit its monday! Wait why was it canceled?" I ask

"Well because after we finished last night and you fell asleep i told Tanner to go make sure the power wouldnt work at the High School today so i could spend the day with you" Matt says smiling at me in the Mirror as he raps his arms around my waist.

"Your sweet baby" I turn in his arms kissing his quickly beofre making my way back into our room and dressign for the day. I put on clean under clothes and a nice little sun dress that is white with big yellow sunflowers on it. "So do you want to go for a run?" I ask turning to face him. I watch as his mucels ripple under the skin as he dresses in a pair of basketball shorts and a tight fitting black tee.

"Sounds good to me. Lets go" He smiles grabbing my hand and leading me outside. When we get outside i see Tanner and Cole waiting for us. "Cole and Tanner will be with us in a way so in case anythign happens." Matt explains.

I nod and hide behind Matts tall frame as i strip and shift. Once fully shifted i pick my clothes up in my mouth and hand them to matt to tie on my back leg. Once he does i watch as he and the other two boys strip tieing thier clothes on them before shifting. I licj the side of Matts face and take off running into the woods with him following close behind.

We run in the woods chasing one another having run for about a half hour till the smell of rouges catches our attention. Out of no where Tanner and Cole pop out a they and Matt all stand around me crouching down baring their teeth. Before i know it seven rouges emerge from the woods in front of us all growling. The one in front, seeming to be the leader. She has Grey fur with a very strange black patch over one eye and a white patch over the other. Its the strange marking i have seen before. Ten years ago on the worst day of my life. All i see is red, without warnign i leap over my gaurds lunching at her. I land ontop of her biting into her neck and bringing her down.

She ends up on top of me biting into my throat but i kick out sending her flying through the air and smackign against a tree breaking it in half. Before i can run at her again Matt in his human form with his shorts on runs up grabbing me hugging me tightly. "Baby shift" He whispers into my ear.

With an annoyed growl i shift back to my human for slipping on the tee shirt Matt hands me and i stay rapped in his arms knowing if he lets me go i will go after her. I watch as she shifts herself anf so does the rest of her 'pack' Now standign infront of me is a tall blonde haires lady. She is quite strange she has one blue eye and one green one. She steps coser in all her naked glory not even trying to cover a bit. "Well well well. Little Ash has grown up. Awe and she found a mate!" The lady maybe about forty five gushes.

"Who are you and why are you on my land?" I snap struggling in Matts arms

"My name is Amy and im Oh you know just passing through. But i do have to say your wolf looks quite lovely. And you look so much like your father. Tell me how is Justin, Beau and Nick? Still weeping over poor dady's death?" She smirks "Or are the weeping over mommy?"

"I swear i will fucking kill you!" I scream feeling tears brim my eyes

"There isnt anythign you can do little girl. Its eight against four. And one of the four agains us is you" She throws her head back laughing.

I begin shaking with pure rage. I hear the sound of the wind picking up and trees snapping in half falling all around us. I watch as Amy and her packs faces go pale white. They all turn to look at me with horror. I feel the power of the Fengari raging inside of me. With a growl ripping from my throat i use my power to lift Amy up into the air spining her a while and making her whole body burst into fire. The fire ingalfs her so quickly she doesnt have time to scream. Her ashes flutter to the ground and her pack looks at me with pale faces and wide eyes. I start to float into the air, my hair flying up around my and i feel my eyes shift to the unique white of the Fengari.

Her pack turns on their heels and takes off running far away from me. I feel my energy drain and slowly i float back down to the ground falling all the way to my knees. I hear Matt run over to me and he lifts me into my arms holding me close. "Call for help!" H screams at Tanner "Baby baby please dont close your eyes. The pack doctor is hom his way" Matt says lightly shaking me.

"What the hell was that?" Cole ask kneeling on my other side.

"That was the power of the Fengari. My mate is the legendary Fengari" He says with shock in his voice and thats the last thing i hear before everything goes black.

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