Chapter Eight

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I wake up the next morning to the warm sun on my bare back and an empty bed. With a yawn i sit up looking arounf not seeing Matt anywhere in the room with a small pout i climb our of bed and wander into the bathroom where i brush my teeth and my hair. Once finished i walk back into the main part of the room sipping on some clean uner clothes and some shorts. Being to lazy to put on a real shirt i slip on the superman hoodie i brought from the old pack house that i stole from Justin, I grab my phone and slip my feet into a pair of Vans. With one last look in the mirror satisfyed i look good i exit the room and make my way down the steps. "Matt, where are you?" I ask through our mate link

"Im in my office doing paper work is everything okay?"

"Yes im just not sure where everything is yet. Where is your office?"

"Down stairs, when you first walk into the front door you see the hallway. Go down it and its the last door on the right"

"Okay be there in a sec!" I smile as i make my way down the hall and to the office. When i get there i knock waiting for Matt to say come in. When he does i slowly open the door walking in, making sure to shut the door behid me.

"Baby you dont have to knock you are the Luna" Matt chuckles opening his arms for me to go over and sit in his lap. Once i sit down and peck his his lips thats when i notice the others in the room. I see Tanner, his Beta and three other guys i do not reconize.

"Am i interupting something?" I ask looing back to Matt.

"Yes" Tanner says with a little glare.

"Oops. Sorry i will leave you to your meeting. Matt where is the kitchen?" I ask standing up off his lap.

Down the hall thrid door on you left." He says kissing me once more before i bid them a good bye and make my way into the kitchen. When i walk in im speechless it is competely high tech and huge! A giant grin breaks out on my face because i always wanted a big kitchen but our pack house had a fairly small one. I plug my phone into the IHome i see on the counter and begin to play some of my music while i dance around the kitchen snooping in cabnits and the fridge, looking for apealing food. I decide on making breakfast for the whole pack. "Mi amo!" I say loudly through my link with Matt

"Yes dear?"

"How many pack members do you have?"

"About 95. Why?"

"Just wandering. Okay love you go back to your Alpha thing!"

"Love you too"

I hear him laugh and smile at myself before going back to my cooking. I end up making baccon, eggs, sausage, pancakes, french toast, my special hash browns, and i squeeze some frech orange juice. When im finished its about nine am so everyone should be getting up. "Wow!" I hear a voice say from behing me.

I turn around from the pitcher of orange juice i was making and see about twenty members of the pack standing in the doorway looking at all the food. "Good morning everyone! Please enjoy!" I say smiling.

They all thank me and start getting their plate. The smell of food must wake the rest of the pak because they all start to some in and get some food. I notice the food is dwendling fast so i quickly grab five plates loading them up for Matt, Tanner and the other three that i still dont know their names. Once i have them filled i cover them in tin foil placing them on the counter and i standing in front of them so noone trys to eat them. About a half hour later Matt anf the others emerge from his office and make their way into the kitchen. "Wow who made breakfast?" One of te big guys that i dont know his name ask

"I did!" I say with a smile walking oer to them with their plates. "And these are for you." I say passing them out.

"Well thank you Luna! Oh by the way my name is Cole." Say the one with black hair and brown eyes.

"Im Luke" Says the blonde one with green eyes.

"And my name is Nico" Says the one wirh black hair and blue eyes.

"Well it is lovely to meet all of you officially! And please call me Ash or Ashton i really dont like the official high up title of Luna." I say smiling at them.

They all nod and go to sit and eay their breakfast. Matt walks over placing his plate on the counter and raps his arms around my waist. "Baby this wasnt needed. I do enjoy it but you didnt have to make us all breakfast." Matt says kissing me

"I know but i wanted to. I love cooking now eat before it gets cold. Oh and Im going to see Miranda and Justin today, would you like to join?" I ask as he unraps his plate and begins to eat.

"Sure! I would love to" Matt says

I smile and and watch as he eats moaning in pleasure. Once he is fiished he puts his plate in the sink rapping his arms around me. "Did tou lik it?" I ask looking up at him

"It was amazing baby. Now what time are we meeting Justine and Miranda?" He ask

"Well around now." I say with a smile

"Okay, let me tell Tanner to keep the fort down before we go.:" He says

I nod and he walks over to Tanner letting him know he was leaving. When he gets back we head out and hop into my truck. Matt is driving and im in the passanger seat playing with the radio. I finally find a station i like and we rock out to country music as Matt drives up to the movie theater where we are meeting Justin and Miranda. I cant wait today is going to be awsome. With my mate, my faveorite brother and my bestfriend.

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