Chapter 18

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"Come on Justin! Its been two months! Why the fuck cant you get this yet?" Beau snaps.

"If its so easy why dont you fucking burst a feild into flames!" Justin snaps back.

"Because you idiot, im the one whos supposed to put out the god damned flames you arent creating!"

"Fuck you dude!''

"Boys stop fighting!" Matt snaps at my brothers while him and nick practice some new defence moves.

Beau and Justin grumble in anger but go back to practicing, and i take a deep breath trying to chanel the spirit inside myself. "Come on Ashton, you can do this you just need to consentrate." Malaky says, speaking softly to me.

"Its hard to do that when there are two ridiculously rambucious pups jumping around in your stomach." I say placing my hands on my stomach.

"They will be out soon enough my dear, one more month. The young ones will be born and then the following month, when the snow sticks to the trees, the war will happen." She says smiling at my stomach but i see the sadness in her eyes because she knows my fate, she knows what will happen to me at the end of this war, she knows i will die, and i think shes cleared the vision enough that she knows how i will die. "Okay back to work. You must remeber you are very very powerful. Chanel your power into making a spirit ball. Take everything you can from yourself and from your babies. They will help you." She says.

"Okay, okay i can do this." I take another deep breath and focus on the power running though my veins, and i feel two extra burst of energy and power and i know its coming from my pups. Smiling i picture the glowing orb, that Malliky has shown me over and over again for the past two months, I picture it glowing bright and stong, i picture it solidifying.

I open my eyes and floating between my hands is a bright white orb, pulsing with power, i see everyone else in the clearing staring at me in amazemement. For the first time since we started training, i finally created this, and i can feel just how strong it is. Aiming at the practice target all the way across the feild i fling the orb as hard as i can. It soars across the clearing and crashes into the dumby, shattering it into a thousand peices.

"It's about damn time you actually did something." Ember says walking into the clearing we were in.

"What are you doing here?" I snap turning to glare at her. "Shouldn't you be training my pack?"

"They are fine i have them working on some fighting techniques. They aren't horrible. A few of them still have a long way to go but i suppose we have two more months to get them into shape." She says shrugging.

"Okay again. Why are you here?" I ask crossing my arms

"I need to speak with you and malikay."


All she does is raise an eyebrow at me and glance at Matt standing a few yards behind me.

I nod and malikay and i follow ember away from the group.

"What's the problem ember?" Mal ask

"I think this war is coming sooner than expected."

"What? That's impossible. I would have seen it!"

"Have you looked recently? They moved up the snow forecast to next month, and i still have some ties to the vamp community. The grape vine says they are moving up their attack."

"What?! No! We are barely ready as it is, our deadline can't be moved up. And i sure as hell cant fight in this thing pregnant, you promised me that despite what happens to me my pups would be safe." I say feeling my heart rate rise and my palms begin to sweat.

""Ashton you go tell the others that we're done for the day. You, ember and i need to look into this." Mal says. And turns quickly on her heels heading to the house.

Ember follows close behind her and i turn to go tell the others.

i return to the field and announce to the group that we are finished training for the day, to go wash up and rest for tomorrow because we will be doubling the work. I hear a few groans of annoyance and pain.

Matt, and my brothers turn to look at me with concern knowing something is wrong. Avoiding eye contact i turn and head in the direction Malaky and Ember went. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~two hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I don't understand how i could have missed this." Malaky says with her head down as she paces back and forth in the office. "I thought i had been keeping an eye on things but somehow i missed this, this huge shift in events."

"Look, lets calm down, stress isn't good for any of us, what's it looking like? What is going to happen now?" I ask sitting in the chair at the head of the meeting table.

"According to the Vamps, the snow is going to be sticking to the trees at the end of Next month, not in two months like we had originally expected." Ember says. "And when are you due? The beginning of the month? If you give birth on time then we should be ok. You will need to find a safe place for them babies though." 

"My due date is the first of January, and i already have arrangements made. I'm going to give birth and a friend from school is going to be keeping the babies for a while. I told her we have to travel because of my grandmother being sick and we cant take the kids because she is in Paris." I tell them.

"That's good. And, matt knows who this friend is? Since he will be the one who has to go get them?" Mal ask

"Yes he knows, i will have to call her and let her know the trip has been moved up."

"Good, i believe we are done here for now, i would go and call her and then i want you to tell the pack whats going on. But make sure them babies are safe first" Mal tells me finally looking up and stopping her pacing. 

Nodding i stand and leave the room heading down the stairs to the livingroom where the majority of my pack is. "Okay everybody, it appears that this war is moving up. We no longer have till the end of febuary, the Vamps will be here the end of January, so we are going to need to train twice as hard, make sure we are well prepared to lose as little lives as possible. I love you all and i know you will do everything you can to win." I tell my pack trying ti make eye contact with as many of them as possible. Finally landing on the ice blue eyes of my mate, thy are filled with concern and he still has no idea the outcome of my life.

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