Chapter Three

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I dont know how long i have been running but im exhausted. The sad thing is i dont know where i am either.With a wolfy sigh i sit down on the forest floor, slumping my shoulders and hanging my head. I feel tears begin to fall down my wolf face not going far because they stick in my hair, with a small whiper i slowly stand to my feet and turn around to start walking home. I walk for about thirty minutes before i heard the sound of three pairs of giant paws running torawrds me. I feel my heart rate rise as i take off running back the way i had come before i got lost. But with me already being so tiered it didnt work and next thing i know a giant  rust color wolf is on top of me pinning me into the dirt.

I snap out kicking trying to get away. I end up nipping the heel of of his right front leg and he rears back in pain. As soon as i get out from under him though anothet wolf is on me holding my down with his teeth around my throat. I wimper as the wolfs canines dig into my jugular. Im competely unmobile as the wolf holds me down. I glance over seeing one of the wolves shift into a freekishly tall man with deep brown eyes and he is really buff. "Jace let her go. We need her to shift so we can speak with her'' The tall one speaks in a hard voice.

The wolf holding me, Jace im guessing lets me go and because im still so tired and dont want to run anymore i shift. "What are you doing on our land girl?" The tall one ask

"Im so sorry i didnt meant to be. I just had a lot on my mind and i g-got distacted. i-im so sor-ry" I sniffle feeling tears brim my eyes again. The tall man comes near me nealing before me and grabbing my hands.

"Shh shh its okay. Im so sorry. Look my names Liam what is yours?" Liam ask

"Ashton" I whisper

"Thats a pretty name. Now why dont you tell me why you were carelesly running through the woods." Liam says standing in front of me.

"My mate is the Aloha of the rival pack to mine" I explain.

"Oh honey im so sorry to hear that" Liam says giving me a quick hug. "Look my Alpha wants us to bring you to him but i will explain to him whats going on. Why dont you head home?" Liam say

I nod giving him a smile and another hug before shifting and taking off back to my pack house. When i get there i go to the door scratching. Nick opens the door and his eyes widden apon seeing me. I nod my wolf head at him and take off into the house and up the stairs into my room. Once i get to my door i shift quickly going in and dressing into a hoodie and some sweat pants before going back down the stairs where i know i will have some explaining to do. I walk into the living room and all eyes turn to me.

"Okay what the fuck happened today?" Sean ask in his Alpha voice.

"I didnt want to be near Matt so i took off" I say

"There is more and i want the whole truth" Sean snaps

"Matt isnt just the Alpha of the Black Forset pack and my new English teacher." I say taking a deep breath and looking down at the floor. "He is also my mate" I breath.

"WHAT?!" I hear all three of my brothers yell

"What are you going to do?" Sean ask

"Are you leaving?" Miranda ask

"What? NO! I rejected him. I wont turn my back on my family" I say in a stern voice looking Sean in the eye.

"Look Ashton. This is your mate and as your Alpha i will not be angry with you if you choose to go with him. But im warning you if you go with him to that pack you can not come back." Sean says and he has sympathy in his eyes while looking at me. "Im sorry i wish i could allow you back at some point if you wanted but its the law. If a Wolf switches to a rival pack he or she may not return to the original pack of birth'' Sean says reciting artical two section A of the Werewolf law.

"I am awear of the law and that is why i wont leave my family. I understand what your saying Sean, I know you left your pack for your mate but i cant do it. What happens when i leave my pack for him and then something happens or he dies and I want to come back? What then? I cant be an Alpha and thats what will happen if i leave i will ahve to be the Alpha if something happens to him. Im staying annd right now im going to bed" I say turning on my heels and leaving the room.

I make my way up to my room shutting and locking rhe door before falling itno the bed and screaming into my pillow. I fall into an unsettling sleep dreaming of pain filled blue ocean eyes.

My Teachers My Mate and He's Also an Alpha?!Where stories live. Discover now