The Bunker

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Takes place during 'Pac-Man Fever'


It'd been almost two months since that day with the Aslaeva. Madisen had fallen into a slight depression during that time, only to have a rude awakening by Grant and a stern looking Samandriel. Grant had told her to get up off her ass and stop blaming herself for a death she had nothing to do with. Samandriel, in not so many words, told her that if she didn't get out of her depression he would go find Castiel. That really pulled her from it.

The biggest thing that had happened since then were the Winchesters reporting a missing kid named Kevin Tran. Samandriel told her that Kevin was a prophet who had been translating the Word of God. Madisen had stared at him for a long period of time before shaking her head in bewilderment. Where did the Winchesters find these people?

Aside from that, Madisen had met two new hunters. Not new as in, I've never met you before. New as in, hey look fresh meat, because  while Madisen didn't know every hunter out there, he looked scared if a pin dropped. The first was a man from Oklahoma who had witnessed a demon possess a body and try to kill him. He was saved by another hunter in the area who began teaching him things.

The other was a woman who didn't share her past. She said she had been introduced to the Supernatural by the Winchester brothers back when the Leviathans were trying to control America. Charlie, as she had said her name was, had been doing her own kind of hunting. Mainly just knowing everything she could about monsters and how to avoid them. Madisen considered this one hell of a way to stay safe.

Soon after she and Charlie had become friends, Charlie decided to visit Madisen in Fort Collins. There Madisen learned Charlie was a very cultured person and made references to a lot of things Madisen knew nothing about. Other than that they got along swimmingly. And Charlie was amazed that the rumored Code X was real and a woman.

Charlie came up with a way to keep track of hunters when they were away. She, with the help of Madisen's knowledge of all things monster, created a website that every hunter could use. There they would be able to find hunts - much like the alert on Madisen's laptop - and with a bit of tinkering from the women, hunters could find lore on a monster and how to kill them.

The two had decided to create a 'Kill Count' bar on the website where anyone could add their latest hunts. It became a huge thing which sent the girls into laughter. One of the good things about this website, besides the hunts and kills, was the communication. If needed Madisen could notify any hunter about something serious. This was how she got the word out to those who didn't know about Kevin.

While Madisen had been helping hunters across America, Grant had taken off with Samandriel. He claimed he needed to show the angel how to live undercover without drawing any attention to himself. In other words Grant was teaching him to be human. Madisen found this amazing.

Charlie would be on her way out that day, there was something she needed to do in Kansas. Madisen had nodded and shook her hand while cursing her for being up before the sun. Charlie went to leave but Madisen's laptop dinged.

"Wow, that's weird," Madisen said.


"Uh, there's a place in Kansas called Salina where a guy was found dead. His insides were liquified. Hell this sounds interesting, I'm in."

"The Winchesters are in Kansas now, Lebanon to be exact. We could meet up with them."

"Yeah sure. Let me grab my stuff."

Madisen sent out a quick word that she and Charlie were on it before heading up to her room. She packed a bag for three nights and all other necessities. She headed down and hopped in her truck, ready for another six hour drive.

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