Chapter 39

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Alexa and I headed back downstairs as it had worn her out just taking in all the excitement little lone the stairs. Alexa made it down the stairs and to an awaiting Carlos. "Did you know?" Lex asked Carlos. Carlos smirked and nodded.

"Congrats." Carlos said before acting nonchalant and walking away to Logan and Terri in the corner of the dining room. I giggled and walked happily down the stairs. I was lonely again, since James, John and Dustin were in a deep discussion about God knows what. Before I knew it though, someone was beside me watching my brother and fiancé.

"Kendall." I said without looking at him.

"Liz." He said in the same tone as I had just used. I turned as faced him. He had a sincere look in his eyes but I felt like I didn't even know him. "Can I speak with you?" He asked. I gave him a quizzical look and sighed. "In private?" He asked with his hands behind his back. I looked at the group of people around me and soon was walking into Alexa and mines office. I sat in my desk chair as Kendall sat in one of the guest seating on the other side of my desk.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" I asked, not as forgiving to him as I was with Logan. He sat with his elbows on his legs and shook his leg nervously.

"I have been through a lot since you and I stopped doing, whatever we were doing. I want you in my life. Everyday I wake up and I think of you. I want you to be with James if that makes you happy, but I also want you to know that you'll always have me. I'll always be here when you need to talk to someone, and I want you to call me if you ever, and I mean ever need me." Kendall said staring at the floor and shaking his leg constantly which was driving me crazy.

"Why? You walked out of my life." I told him. He laughed once and then shook his head.

"I couldn't watch my best friend, who could have any girl he wanted, get the girl I wanted. That I fought for first. I couldn't. But I want to be your friend. I want to be the one you can come to to talk about life, struggle, fear, and even James without worrying if it'll end up at Carlos and Carlos shares with James. I can keep secrets, I can if you need me to. I just want to be there for you. If I can't be with you and make you feel happy, I want to be in your life and help you remain happy with James." Kendall said. It was meaningful and true. I sighed. I knew how I had made him feel. I swallowed my pride and stood up.

"Okay. We can be friends." I whispered as Kendall stood as well. He smiled but he looked still sad. I walked out of the office leaving Kendall there because I quite frankly felt weird around him. I walked back into dining room where everyone was gathered around talking to John. I then snuck past everyone and into the kitchen where James was alone tossing salad.

"Where have you been?" James smiled looking at me. I giggled and grabbed the tongs from James's hands and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Kendall and Logan have decided they both wish to be my friends." I told him. He furrowed his brow.

"Really? Both of them?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled.

"Well, that's good but How do you feel about it?" James asked me wrapping his arms around my waist. I shrugged and sighed. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I feel like Logan and I really could be friends. He so much more calm. Kendall only ever said he wanted to be in my life because he couldn't have me to himself basically." I said sighing. James sighed along side me.

"Interesting." James whispered.

"It's nothing I'm sure." I told him pulling away and resting my lips on his. We stayed here for a moment and then started to bring out the linguini and salad where everyone gathered in the dining room.

"Dinner is served!" I announced as everyone took their seats.

We all ate comfortably and I was introduced to Terri who seemed like a very nice girl. James however half way through dinner stood and everyone who was drinking wine, so everyone aside from me, John, and Alexa raised their glasses as James prepared a toast. "I'd like to propose a toast, to Elizabeth." James started as John smiled my way. I smiled up at James as he continued to speak directly to me. "I've dreamed of a girl like you. I've only ever wanted someone to change me and to teach me the importance of being who you are no matter what anyone says or thinks. You are perfect." James said smiling and raising his glass higher to me. "Also, everyone, we have an announcement." James said and then offered me his hand. I stood and gave him my left hand. I smiled at our small gathering as James then cleared his throat.

"Everyone," he started. "We are engaged." James announced as Alexa broke out into giggles along with Terri. I then started to giggle and James kissed my hand. Carlos started the clapping as everyone joined in. I glanced at Logan and could see he was genuinely happy for us. Then I turned my attention to Kendall. He looked pained. He had a smile on his face but his eyes looked depressed.

"Thank you everyone." I said as I then sat down. We continued with dinner and everyone gathered in the living room for awhile afterwards. Kendall seemed to be extra quiet through the entire evening. Around midnight we sent everyone on their way. Kendall lingered a moment as I had the door open. He looked me in the eyes and then smiled sadly and nodded. He stepped out the door as I felt like I wasn't doing enough to be his friend. I sighed and closed the door. I leaned on the door and then looked in the office where James was standing.

"John went up to go to bed." James said. I nodded. He then started towards me and I felt a surge of electricity when he let his finger tips trace down my arm. Before I knew it, we were in my bedroom and it was four in the morning. James laid closely to me with his arm around my naked torso. I sighed and touched his smooth skin before he opened his eyes. I hadn't meant to awaken him, it just happened.

"You're gorgeous." I whispered to him. He smiled and leaned his face close to mine. His lips fought mine for control but eventually we both gave up.

"I love you Elizabeth." James said moving a piece of my hair out of my face.

"I love you James." I whispered back. A good two weeks later James was working on a movie role in Vancouver but was on his way home for a week and I was driving John home from his third week of school.

"How is everything going?" I asked John. He shrugged. "Made any friends?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Grades good?" I asked again. He shrugged once more. I rolled my eyes. "Have a girlfriend?" I asked him. He then didn't respond. "John? You have a girlfriend?" I asked astonished he hadn't told me. He showed a smile and then shook his head.

"She doesn't like me back." John said. I snorted.

"Have you asked her that?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Well, how do you know? Is she a lesbian or something?" I asked him. He laughed at my joke.

"Why would you ask that?" He questioned me. I giggled.

"Because you're a great kid, handsome, smart, very in tune with his emotions, and you're wise beyond your years for a fifteen year old. She'd have to like girls to not like you." I said. John shook his head.

"No. She has a boyfriend. Captain of the football team." John said sadly shrinking down into the seat of my Soul. Damn football players.

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