Chapter 7

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I lied there for awhile just trying to conjure up what all happened last night. Only bits and clips of memories had returned to me during my trying to remember. However, my hair was stuck to my head in random places and the by the way it felt, it was a disaster. Oliver was awake now, rolling and stretching by my feet with his little grey toes outstretched. My mind was as groggy as could be and I just wanted to go back to sleep. I couldn't, on the fact I had to get a ride to Carlos's house to pick up my car. I got out of bed and stumbled a little, but soon regained my balance. I sucked down the water at my bedside and then headed for the closest. I dug out some jeggings and a nice flowing 3/4 sleeve baseball looking shirt and threw it on. I grabbed my makeup bag and headed to the bathroom.

Damn, my hair was a mess from going to bed with it wet. Oliver had followed me and jumped up on the sink. I did my makeup pretty naturally, just trying to hid the bags under my eyes with foundation and swept on some mascara. I looked decent for someone wanting to murder her own brain. I brushed my teeth, three times, and then threw my hair into a side braid and was done. I grabbed my keys, purse, and phone from where James left them on my counter and headed out the door. The afternoon breeze felt nice on my face. I started to walk down the stairs when I saw the all too familiar white Jeep pulling up in front of my building with my car being towed close behind. I smirked thinking that I should've known better than to think Carlos was just going to make me get my car. I walked down the stairs to see Carlos getting out if his Jeep after unhooking my car from the wench ,and Kendall getting out of my car as Carlos parked his Jeep. I smiled as Carlos came in for a hug, practically running to me the short distance. He was in a tank top and a pair of shorts.

"Thank you so much, you guys." I said hearing my voice for the first time and regretting I spoke. It was froggy and rough, so not attractive.

"No problem. Hey, and just so you know, Logan doesn't remember anything from last night." Carlos assured me quietly. I raised my eyebrow in questioning as I didn't know why he was bringing this up to me now. Carlos smirked. "You kept apologizing to James for kissing Logan last night, with that I assumed you were embarrassed." Carlos said quietly as Kendall approached us.

"Are you in as bad a shape as I am?" Kendall asked his voice just as horrible sounding. He had his sunglasses on shielding his eyes from the sunlight as he was in a simple shirt and jeans. I giggled sounding like a horse.

"Yeah, pretty much." I said sounding as if I was losing my voice. Kendall smiled.

"Do you want to go get something to eat? We know a great place for fun mornings after drinking too much." Carlos asked with a grin. I nodded. Carlos and Kendall sat in the front, as I hopped in the back of Carlos's Jeep and we headed to the 'great place' for hangovers. Denny's. I laughed walking inside because Kendall and Carlos were actually pretty hilarious together. They were constantly bantering like brothers about random things.

"Three please." Carlos said to the host. They led us into the dining room. We all got into a booth. The gentlemen they were, allowed me to sit first and then Carlos sat next to me and Kendall across from us.

"I'm hungry." Carlos said looking at the menu. My stomach then decided to make itself be heard and agreed with Carlos, loudly. Kendall snickered as Carlos chuckled.

"And I see you are as well." Kendall added smiling at me from over his menu. I giggled and nodded.

"What can I get you guys?" The waitress asked after bringing us all waters as Carlos had instructed the host when he sat us. Carlos ordered something with a lot of eggs and protein, an omelet I assumed. Kendall had some sort of breakfast platter with hash browns, eggs, bacon, and toast. I stared at the menu as all eyes were on me. I couldn't decide.

"I'll have the short stack of chocolate chip pancakes with a side of bacon." I smiled. The guys didn't even think twice about my order which was refreshing. I had assumed they would have given me a lecture about early morning carbs or something, but they simply just kept talking as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

"So, what happened to you last night? I didn't even see you after I took that call. It's like you disappeared." Kendall inquired curiously, taking a sip of his water. I shrugged and took a huge gulp of my water. Carlos cleared his throat and then smiled.

"She hung out with Logan. He had gotten beer all over her and then she had a little too much to drink." Carlos informed Kendall. I looked at Carlos as if to say 'thank you'. It wasn't that I was ashamed of kissing Logan. Logan was attractive and a nice guy, it's just, I didn't know if James or Kendall, or anyone who found out, was going to make me out as some kind of slut who made out with people while she was drunk. I mean I did, which makes me kind of a slut, but I didn't mean to. It all just happened so fast and Logan was the one initiating the kiss anyway. It had been my first kiss anyway.

"Ah I see. Well at least you didn't kiss Logan. I mean, he's one of my best friends, but he tends to do that to every girl he gets drunk with." Kendall said as if he knew, but he smiled the entire time so I knew he didn't.

"Right?" I said rhetorically. Carlos sat awkwardly avoiding eye contact with both Kendall and me.

"Who'd you get a ride home with then?" Kendall asked just trying to make conversation.

"James took me home." I smiled just telling the truth. Kendall nodded as the awkward silence then set in.

"I'm going to use the restroom." Kendall said smiling and leaving Carlos with me.

"Why didn't you just say I kissed Logan? That I just kept repeating that I didnt mean to?!" I whisper yelled at Carlos. He didn't respond fast enough for me so I smacked his arm.

"Dang girl, you pack a lot of force in a slap." Carlos complained rubbing his shoulder. He then sighed. "Kendall told me after I dropped off Logan and Dustin last night, in his drunken state, that he kinda has a thing for you and wants to hang out with you to see if it could be something more." Carlos explained whispering in case Kendall came back any time soon. I sat a little stunned by the news and immediately didn't know what to respond with.

"That doesn't mean anything though, right? I mean, he said it when he was drunk. That doesn't mean he was being truthful, right?" I asked hoping to be right. Carlos shrugged.

"Kendall isn't one to throw around the 'lets hang out' card a lot." Carlos informed me hesitantly. I sighed and put my face in my hands.

"So, when he finds out I kissed Logan, he won't want to get to know me in that way anymore?" I asked through a squished mouth. Carlos put a hand on my back and rubbed.

"He will think he's betraying his best friend, who may or may not, have feelings for you too, and you showed interest in Logan first. Thus creating a heart broken Kendall." Carlos said making more sense than ever.

"But I was drunk." I complained through squished cheeks making me mumble. Carlos didn't even have to speak again for me to know he was feeling my pain. He simply rubbed my back and made me feel better. "Would you believe me, if I told you that had been my first kiss?" I asked shamefully as I wanted to crawl in a hole somewhere. His rubbing of my shoulders paused for a second as he processed the information.

"Ever?" He asked me, quietly. I groaned sadly as I kept my head in my hands as it was embarrassing to be this far and not have a sober kiss in my entire life yet.

"What did I-" Kendall's voice stammered probably seeing my current position. I sat up straight and acted as if nothing was bothering me as Carlos pulled his hand back and cleared his throat. "You okay?" Kendall asked looking at me. His eyes were so sincere and his tone was truly caring. He was so sweet, I felt my heart skip a beat. I faked a smile.

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking." I said smiling even wider. Kendall waited a moment and nodded once, taking that I didn't want to talk about what was bothering me. I didn't want to put Kendall in that position of choosing me or his best friend because quite frankly, I, myself was conflicted. I didn't really know these guys very well, and I hadn't planned on meeting anyone last night that would stay so close to my heart. But there wasn't just Logan, my first kiss, and Kendall, who made me feel special, to worry about, there was James, who took care of me, and made me laugh, too.

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