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*Lilys pov*

There was a quiet knock at my bedroom door, if I had been asleep it would have been close to pointless to try and wake me up but luckily I was already awake and reading.

Ellie and Laura came creeping into the room, Ellie holding a surprisingly large pink cake with enough candles on for a 76 year olds birthday cake and Laura carrying two paper bags.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Lilybob, Happy Birthday toooooo youuuuewewewewewww!!!" They both sang as the sat on opposite sides of my bed, both sounding like strangled cats but I guess it's the thought that counts.

"Since when am I Lilybob?" I chuckled after they finished,

"Since you were 11, now blow out the candles and make a wish!" Laura laughed as she motioned towards the cake. I took in one big breath and blew the candles out in one.

"Happy b'day girlfriend!" Ellie said cheerily, putting the cake down before bringing me into a tight hug which I returned. I grabbed the two bags from Laura's outstretched arms and started with the one that had 'Sexy MoFo' on the front. Attached to the bag was a small label with a sweet message from Ellie scribbled on. Inside was a gorgeous pair of Jimmy Choos and wrapped up in bright blue tissue paper was a pair of diamond earrings.

"Aw, they're stunning! Thank you sooooo much!" I gleamed pulling her into another hug,

"You're welcome!" She laughed.

I moved on to the second bag. It was full to the brim with green shredded tissue paper, I dug and dug until all the paper was out the bag and covering my bed. All that was left was a long, thing envelope with my name literally written all over it.

The card was simple but home made, "To a sister, to a friend, to a bezzie but in our case to a cousin. Happy birthday!xx" out of the card fell a wod of money, I must have looked like a fish out of water as my mouth just moved up and down - I was so speechless.

"What's all this for? I can't take this Laura, it's too much!" I exclaim, attempting to give her some of the money back,

"Oh no no no no! It's perfect. You see, we heard there's a little party going on to celebrate a miracle that happened a short 20 years ago today, and well we thought we might pop in and have a little fun. But what's a party without a dress!"

"This is just for one dress? I could buy like 30 dresses for this from New Look!" I ran my fingers over the top of the pile of money, creating a fan effect.

"Well we're not going anywhere near New Look, we're going to upper London. We each need to live a little, and splurge a lot!" Laura said excitedly.

"Now we're heading to town in an hour, so get up, get dressed, have some cake while opening the other presents and then we'll go!"


We have been to the expensive part of London. Honestly, I felt extremely out of place. There were women with bag after bag from all the high class stores, men wearing thousand pound suits, even teenagers with stilettos and kids with crystallised dummies!

But now we're back at my flat, the girls insisted we got someone to come round and do our make up so that's what happened. I had cat eyes done with bright red lip stick that matches my dress, black nail varnish to go with my black accessories and shoes and my hair was curled and clipped to one side.

Soon enough we were all done and headed towards the party, I was honestly only expecting a small crowd but as we stepped into the club I was mistaken. It seemed like there were hundreds of people here, all of them I actually recognised, all of them cheered a Happy Birthday Lily as I made my way closer to the crowd.

Déjà vu On You (Sequel) ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now