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*Lilys pov*


My phone vibrated against my bedside table for what felt like the millionth time in the past two weeks, it was always Tom. And it always brought a large smile to my face.

"I miss you, I miss seeing your eyes, and your smile, and your body, and your lips. When can I see you again?? xxxxx ~ T"

Even over text Tom could make me blush like crazy, I felt like I was in a corny American movie - or a modern version of Romeo and Juliet, but the only reason we couldn't see each other was because he was on tour.. not that our parents were enemies, and without death or suicide..

"I miss you too tom :( we can see each other when you tour finishes, or whenever your next break is? xxxxx ~ L"

I throw my phone onto the pillow besides me, it would take Tom a while to reply since he was on tour, currently it's Saturday morning and Tom was in sound check in Cannes, France.

"Lily!" I heard my mum yell from down stairs,


I quickly shuffled down the stairs, trying not to slip over with my fluffy socks on the hard wooden floor.

"Yes, mother?" I say in a posh British accent,

"I've been thinking.." Oh dear, that's never a good way to start a conversation,

"What abou-"

"About you and Tom."

She motions towards the couch cushion where she was already sitting, I slowly make my way over, cautiously.

"What about me and Tom?" I ask, my brows furrowing.

"You said that him and the guys all had the same dream as you, so I tried to look into it"

Sandy reaches behind her, bringing out her laptop and setting it on her lap. She clicked away at the keyboard before turning it to face me.

The screen showed a website: Madam Chantelle, Fortune teller.

"Mum, what's this?" I question, my eyes scanning over the slightly creepy website,

"Well I contacted Madam Chantelle a couple of days ago. I was looking on the Internet for some kind of explanation to your situation, and her website popped up. She said she specialises in multi-person dreams, so obviously I contacted her"

"So.. she can explain - all of this.. that's amazing!" I exclaim,

"But there's one problem, her house is in Ireland." Mum mumbles,

"Why is that a problem? I can just catch a flight over on the weekend, stay in a hotel near by and visit her-"

"She wants the boys to be there too, since they also had the dream.."

"But they're on tour?.."


"Well can't we wait until their next break?"

"No, she's retiring in two weeks, the boys probably wont have a break for at least three, even if they do before then - they might not be able to get there."

I sigh, slumping back into the couch. Why does everything simple have to get complicated. Mum and I talk for a bit longer, until I make my way back upstairs. I click on my phone, seeing that I don't have any message from Tom - I go take a quick shower, trying to clear my mind and think of a way outta this.

"I have some exciting news babe! I can't talk now but call you later xxxx ~ T"

I couldn't help but get slightly giggly, Tom could always make me smile.


I started pacing around my room, it's been five hours since I spoke to Tom, that's the longest time in the past two weeks! my phone was in the middle of my bed, waiting and taunting me to text him. Its power worked.

I flopped onto my bed, quickly grabbing my phone. Three twitter notifications, two Facebook messages and zero texts.

Just as my phone got thrown back into the pillow there was a muffled tune.

"Out of our minds and out of time,

Wishin' I could be with you,

And to share the view,

We could've fallen in love"

I thought about the lyrics for a while, wishing that I could be with Tom, to start something with him.

"Oh!" I exclaim, realising my ringtone,

"Lily! oh thank god, though you weren't gonna pick up then" Tom sighs, I could hear the smile in his voice,

"Sorry, I was doing something and had to rush up stairs" I lied, why did I lie? "How are you? How the tour? How are the guys?"

"All is great, I'm great, the boys are great! I just miss you.. I know we only met once, but I feel like I've known you forever.. Ew, sappy moment over"

"Aw it wasn't sappy Tom! I was thinking the same.. Anyway, you said you had exciting news?"

"Yes! well the boys and I have the weekend off, so we're coming to visit you! Isn't that great?!"


"No?! What? lily I'm confused, don't you want to see me?"

"No! Of course I do Tom. I was just going to say - why don't we go to Ireland?"

"What? Why? Why can't we just come over, meet your family properly and stuff? Instead of going all the way to Ireland, where were you thinking of going to anyway?"

"Um, Limerick..Bec-because Ive always wanted to go? and common, I'm sure we'll have a hoot and a half! Please, just two days in Ireland?" I almost pleaded, i wanted it to be a surprise for when we got there to tell them about Madam Chantelle.

"Um.. sure? I have to go, the boys wanna go out.. I'll text you again tomorrow, night beautiful!"

"Night Tom, you better"


Hey, so yeah, I know it's not Wednesday but I wrote this chapter on my ipod, and then my ipod decided to have a melt down and erase most of its memory!

So yeah, I managed to get my stories back, and write this chapter!

I know it's not very exciting but chapters will get better! And, there's probably only a few left :O

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Leave comments and votes

(Check out my other stories too while you wait :P)

~Alika x

Déjà vu On You (Sequel) ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now