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"Shhhh, Maddie it'll all be okay. Mum and Dad are just having a little argument" I whisper into her ear, Maddies grip tightens on my arms as I pull her closer.

Our parents fighting had been going on for nearly an hour, all of the words I over heard seemed all too familiar - like I've heard them before?

"Leave! I never want to see you again, don't ever talk to my daughter again - or any of my children! You are not their father, you are not my husband, and you do not have any right to treat anyone like you have been to our own daughter!" My mum yells. The next thing I hear is the front door slamming and muffled feet shuffling up the stairs. The door in front of us swings open to reveille our red faced, tear filled eyed mother. She rushes over to us and engulfs us tight in her arms.

"you will never have to deal with that man again, he is gone forever. We have been drifting away from each other for months and now this has happened that was the final straw" she told us.

Later on that evening George came back from rugby, my mum sat him down an told him everything. George had been totally oblivious of the goings on between me and my dad, and I tried to keep it that way. I knew that he would try and do something to stop him, but I also knew that in doing so - my dad would do something worse to George.

I hid at the top of the stairs, out of view from the kitchen where my mum and brother were talking. It was about half ten, Maddie was already asleep and my mum thought I was too. But here I am- sitting at the top of the stairs, listening to my mum recall all events of the evening. As she got to the last few sentences I could hear her voice crack. There was a sudden thump, followed by the screeching of chairs.

I scampered quickly away to my room, I left the door slightly open and jumped onto the bed - covering the duvet over my face and head. Footsteps thumped up the stairs and stopped just out side my door,

"George don't" Mum whispered sternly, "She needs to sleep, its been a long day. Talk to her tomorrow" She continued,

George loudly sighs, "I just need to tell her"

"Tell her what?"

"That I'm sorry"

The next thing I would never have expected, George began to whimper- as if he was crying. The door opposite mine closed, his room.

The next morning I did my usual: get up, have a long shower, blow dry and straighten my hair, put sweats on and jog down the stairs to grab my morning coffee. As I slid slowly into the kitchen I was greeted with two tired but sympathetic smiles. I gradually started to remember what happened last night, the words my dad shouted from the fight all coming back:

"She's my fucking daughter and I can treat her how I want!"

"Lilys pathetic! She just needed to be taught a lesson so she doesn't fail in life like you did!"

The tears once again prickle at the corners of my eyes, one lonely droplet fell down my cheek. George leaped off the kitchen chair and surrounded me with his arms in a tight embrace.

"I'm so sorry.." He mumbles into my shoulder,

"For what, George?" I reply swinging my own arms around him,

"Not being good enough for you to tell me, I wish you had, I would have killed that cun-"

"George!" Mum quickly interrupts, I chuckle slightly- already knowing what he was going to say but glad he didn't,

"Sorry, but I was going to say that I could have protected you.. Whatever he's said isn't true, whatever he's done I will never forgive myself for not noticing.. I'm just sorry for not being there.. how long has it been going on?"

"Two and a half months.. it started after he saw the choices I made for my GCSEs.."

He moves from in front of me and collapses back into the chair, sighing and placing a hand over his eyes - dragging it down his face.

"Nearly three month.. How did I not notice?!" He exclaims,

"George, no one knew! I didn't tell anyone because I knew they'd try and stop him but fail - I couldn't let him treat anyone else like he was me, or maybe even worse. Don't ever blame yourself okay?" I say walking over to him and hugging him tightly once again. He slowly nods against my shoulder.

"Where's daddy?" A small voice asked from behind us, I step away from George and look as Maddie rubbed her tired eyes,

"He's gone away" Sandy stated, she walked over to my little sister and got on her knees in front of her. She started to fiddle with buttons on Mad's onesie, "You'll never see him again, okay?"

"Okay!" Maddie exclaims, I don't think she really understood, "What's for breakfast?" It's like the whole situation went into one ear and out the other!

"Whatever you want hun!" Mum states, walking over to the counter with Maddie and helping her choose,

"So when's he coming back.. to get his stuff?" I ask after my siblings go to watch TV,

"I'll tell him to come when you're at school" She slightly smiles, "Lil?"

"Yeah mum?"

"I love you, okay? never forget that." She whispers into my shoulder as she pulls me into a hug,

"I love you too"


Hellooo once again :P

I know this isn't a very interesting chapter, but I felt like I should write about main evens in her life before I got to the best bit?

Anywayyyyyy, how are you guys? I realise that I don't really communicate with you so maybe i'll try for this book?

So today's question is: How are you doing??

Me? I'm great!! your turn!

Comment and vote :) x

Déjà vu On You (Sequel) ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now