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*Toms pov*

"Oh yes baby!" I yelled as I continued to pound into Chantelle.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind us, all my attention on f^cking the brains out of Chantelle but my mind wondered who was behind.

"F^ck you Tom fletcher." I heard someone whisper, my head swung round. My heart shattered as tears streamed down Lily's face.

Everything suddenly came back into place, I looked back and realised what I was doing. I practically pounced off the bed and pulled on my boxers and jeans, but as I turned Lily was no longer there.

"Lily!" I screamed as I sprinted down the halls, hand fumbling with my belt and zipper. My head felt foggy, delirious and, in a way, drugged. I passed the other guys as I followed Lily's tracks, there was a loud slam of a door and I followed the sound.

As I stepped out into the doorway a cool breeze hit my chest and arms, forgetting to put any kind of top on in winter wasn't a good idea, but I didn't care. I looked from left to right trying to catch a glimpse of lily or where she might have gone. A flock of brown hair caught my eye, she was standing next to the road, probably waiting for a taxi to pick her up but I wasn't letting that happen.

"Lily, please" I said shakily, walking across the frost covered pathement towards her small frame. She turned her head away from me and scurried away down the road, but I was hot on her heels.

"Lil" I breathed, "babe please just let me explain."

"No." She cried, her cheeks red and rosey, eyes slightly puffy from her tears, hands clasping her scarf around her mouth.

"Please, that- that wasn't me in ther-"

"It wasn't you! Tom, I f^cking saw you!" she exclaimed, her arms flailing in the air,

"It wasn't okay! I don't know what happened, but I can try to explain" I sighed,

"Explain what?" Her hands started shaking, her tears dropped off her cheeks and into her scarf. "How when you first laid eyes on her you couldn't help but look love struck, or how when we were inside all of you practically fought to sit next to her, or maybe how you commented on how nice her tits where right in front of me, how you suspiciously left and started having sex with her, or maybe.. maybe even how you managed to break my heart and hurt me more then my dad use to in just one idiotic action.." Tears were constant, black smudges from her mascara ran over her fuchsia pink cheeks,

"Lily.. I-"

"Save it Tom."

"Please, I'm sor-" I began but once again got interrupted,

"Just... don't."

Right as she finished a taxi pulled up, in a matter of seconds it was off again, leaving me standing there broken hearted, ashamed, embarrassed and worthless.

"Jesus Christ Tom, come back inside before you catch hypothermia!" Harry came running up behind me and swung my jacket over my shoulders, he slowly lead me back into the building.

"Where's lil?" Doug asked as we stepped inside,

"Gone.." I whimpered,


"'Cause I'm an idiot.."

*Lily's pov*

"You alright, lov?" I look up from my lap, the cab driver turned in his seat and was looking sympathetic,

"Yeah.. I um.. I had a long day.." I stutter,

"you want to talk about it?"

"Honestly no, its not that bigger a deal really" i don't know why i felt the need to lie, of course it was a big deal but i didn't need to bother him with my trouble,

"Love, you just spent over an hour in this taxi crying your eyes out. It must have been something big."

"Seriously, it isn't. I don't need to bother you with my drama" wiping the backs of my hands under my eyes, "how much?"

"Don't worry 'bout tit love, now you go inside before you catch a cold."

I give a small smile before sliding out into the freezing air, I rush back into the hotel and went quickly into my room. Somehow it seemed that the amount of clothes had tripled since when I first packed them to when I'm trying to put them back in.

My vision was still foggy from my tears, instead of crying though I started blubbering, my heart felt broken and lungs seemed to tighten.

"Lily, right?" I quickly swivelled around, Fletch stood in the door way of my room, phone in hand.

"Um, yeah.." I said before shoving another tshirt into my bag,

"What are you doing here? I thought you were out with Tom and the guys?"

"I was.. its complicated and I.. I have to go" zipping up the back before slipping it over my shoulder along with my handbag.

"What happened?" Fletch quickly asked grabbing my arm as I passed him,

"Tom.. Ask Tom what happened. Now if you wouldn't mind.. I'd like to go to the airport, please" He released my arm and I made my way to the airport.

When I got to the airport I saw that there weren't anymore flights until 7 in the evening, and its just after 1 right now. So after I had bought a ticket for the 7:30 flight I swung my bag over my shoulder and went over to Starbucks to grab a coffee and some sort of lunch.

The white chocolate cookie just made me feel sick, and the latte just making me feel exhausted and sleepy. I looked over my phone,


Danny: 4 missed calls,

Lily Tom told us what happened, you need to let us talk to you. Call me back please! x

Don't leave us again lily, it's great having you back. This is just a massive misunderstanding.. xx

Dougie: 3 missed calls, 1 voicemail

Answer your bloody phone!

Fletch said you're not at the hotel, where are you?? x

At least tell us where you are xx

Lily just listen to us! x

Harry: 4 missed calls, 2 voicemails

Mummy: Hope you're having a great time lily! Make sure to call me when you find out anything. Love you, can't wait till you're back xx

It hurt, thinking about what should've happened, and that Tom didn't try to contact me at all.. guess he really didn't care anymore.

I finished off my coffee before grabbing my bags and walking to the flight waiting area, the poorly cushioned seats looking not at all appealing but never the less I still had five hours to go before my flight so why not try and get some rest - the crying taking every ounce of energy out of me.

Setting an alarm for half six on my phone before I snuggled in to one of the seats bringing my knees to my chest and laying my jacket over my legs and arms like a blanket. Surprisingly, even with the uncomfortable seats, I could feel sleep slowly taking over my body.


Hope people are enjoying this book, don't know how many chapters are left but should be good!

QOTW: If you won the lottery of 100 million pounds. what would you do with it?

Me: Pay to spend the day with one of my fave celebrities and give the rest to charity :)

~Alika x

Déjà vu On You (Sequel) ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now