Together Again

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Hakuei let out a heavy sigh as she padded down the hall way of the Sindria palace, unlike the Kou Empire Palace, it was bigger, which made the black haired female feel small.

"Hakuei!" A voice called from behind her, followed by heavy footsteps.

As Hakuei turned around, her eyes grew wide with happiness. "Hakuryuu!" She shouted, embracing her younger brother tightly, her eyes full of happy tears.

"We heard the news, good on you for getting Sinbad," Kouha laughed, giving his step sister a hug, once Hakuryuu had finished.

Hakuei felt her cheeks grow warm as she shook her head at Kouha's comment. Her eyes meeting Kougyoku glittering pink eyes.

"Hakuei...congratulations on getting engaged to...King Sinbad!" The youngest female whined, practically throwing herself into Hakuei's arms.

Hakuei giggled with a smile as she held her younger sister. Her eyes glowing as she saw Kouen, a gentle smile on her lips.

Kougyoku let go of Haukei and hugged Kouha, bawling her eyes out as her older brother patted her head. Kouen nodded before bringing Hakuei in for a tight hug, Hakuei felt as though it would last forever. The two parted, sharing a smile, Hakuryuu, Kougyoku and Kouha left the two older people as they looked at each other.

"Congratulations Hakuei," he spoke softly, his eyes not leaving Hakuei's gentle gaze.

"I'm extremely happy...don't get me wrong but I don't understand why father chose me to get engaged to Sinbad...but...I was in love with someone else..." she admitted, lowering her head.

Kouen took a deep breath in before tilting Hakuei's chin up with his hand. "You know it's your duty, Hakuei. For the Kou Empire."

Hakuei nodded, her eyes meeting Kouen's. "Yeah...I know."

Sinbad sat on his throne, his eyes fixed on the outside world, admiring the blue sky and beautiful sunlight.

"Sinbad, they're here," Masrur's voice interrupted Sinbad's day dream as Sinbad looked at the three people who stood before him.

"Hi Sinbad!" The young magi shouted, running up to the king, followed by Alibaba and Morgiana.

"We came as soon as we heard the news," Alibaba reported, looking Sinbad in the eyes as Morgiana stood behind him.

"I'm so glad that you all made it here safe and sound, tell me about your travels," Sinbad chuckled, trying to focus on something else other than his worried thoughts.

"Well we just came from Balbadd, everything's doing amazing, everyone's so happy," Alibaba smiled.

"Yeah and the women were so nice~" Aladdin sighed happily, getting lost in a day dream.

"King Sinbad...please tell us what happened to Mr Jafar..." Morgiana asked, getting straight to the point which made all three males stare at her.

Hakuei sat down with Hakuryuu, her hands on her younger brothers cheeks as she smiled. "You have no idea how much I've missed you Hakuryuu."

"I missed you too, sister, by the sounds of things Aladdin, Alibaba, Morgiana and I aren't going to be leaving anytime soon," Hakuryuu smiled.

The two embraced each other, remaining quiet as Hakuryuu rested his head on his sisters shoulder, tightening the hug.

"I can't imagine what I'd do if I lost you Hakuei," the younger male whispered as Hakuei stroked his black hair.

"You won't lose me Hakuryuu, I promise." She whispered back, planting a gentle kiss on her younger brothers forehead.

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now