Unbreakable Pain

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This chapter contains a very sensitive topic, if you aren't comfortable for sensitive topics I'd suggest not reading this!

Also, for those wondering about Akane, he is 19. He grew up along side Jafar when he was younger which caused the two to grow really close. Fun fact, Akane is (not really in magi the labyrinth/kingdom of magic, just in this fanfic) Judar's younger brother.

Here's what I imagine Akane would look like, for those wondering.

Here's what I imagine Akane would look like, for those wondering

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Now, on with the chapter!

"Well done to all of you, except Akane who got hurt," the master assassin scoffed.

Jafar and a few other assassin's kneeled before the master, they all look up at him, except Jafar who stared down at the ground. Lifting his head up, his eyes landed on Akane who was being treated by another young assassin who had recently joined.

"Alright, you're all excused, now get out of my sight," the master ordered, walking away from the kneeled assassins.

They all did as they were told, Jafar was about to exit the tent when he stopped and stared at Akane, it pained him to see his friend in pain. Judar wrapped an arm around Jafar's shoulder as he smiled.

"Come on now, don't want to piss the master off~" he chuckled, as he and Jafar walked out of the tent, heading towards a smaller one that was Jafar's.

Walking inside it, he death stared the magi who looked at him curiously. Judar finally got the message and hurried out the tent as Jafar sat down and stared down at his hands that started shaking.

"Why am I doing this?" He questioned, the shaking getting worse.

A tight grip on his wrist made the silver haired male squeak as he was forced up. "Why're you doing this? Because you've been told to! When you're given a mission boy, you know to follow it unless you face the consequences," the master snarled.

Jafar nodded gently as thoughts appeared in his mind, a slap across the face made him snap out of it.

"We'll be attacking Sindria on the day of the wedding, you're to eliminate Princess Hakuei, do I make myself clear?!" The older male spat as Jafar nodded and with that, the master exited the tent.

Jafar gripped his hair as horrible thoughts entered his mind. He had been punished horribly when he was younger, it was common for all assassin's to be punished big time for not listening or failing to complete a mission. Jafar's breathing increased as a certain thought entered in his mind, tears stung his ears as crying screams filled his ears, once when Jafar failed to complete a mission he had been raped by a couple of older assassins who beat him up after.

Akane had entered the tent and hurried over to Jafar, he knew what had happened to the older male, as he was forced to watch it. He wrapped his arms around him as Jafar sobbed in his chest.

"Sinbad!" Pitsi screamed as Sharrkan, Spartos and Yamuraiha raced towards the king who turned to face them.

"I'm taking it you guys found something?" Sinbad asked, as he and the four generals sat down.

"The spell that was casted is a mind control spell, the caster has full control over the person who falls victim to having this spell casted on them, it uses a lot of black ruth," Yamuraiha explained as Sinbad raised an eyebrow.

"So, you're saying that someone casted it on Jafar? What do we have to do to break it?" the king asked, as the generals stared at the ground sadly.

"That's the thing...there's no way to break it..." Yamuraiha whispered as Sinbad's eyes grew wide.

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