Search Parties & Daydreams

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All of the generals had split up in a pair of two as they searched for Jafar. Spartos and Pitsi had decided to search from above while Yamuraiha and Sharrkan searched the streets, Drakon, Hinahoho and Sinbad searched the border of Sindria but sadly, none of them had any luck in finding Jafar.

"This sucks! Why'd he suddenly decide that he wanted to leave Sindria?" Sharrkan scoffed.

"Would you be quiet?!" Yamuriha shouted, glaring at the other general as she stood in front of him, looking around.

"I don't think standing there and looking around is going to do anything Yam."

"Would you shut up! I'm using a spell to see if I can locate him, well I was anyway before you broke my concentration!" The green haired female shouted, her face right in Sharrkan's as the two glared at eachother in the eyes.

"Haha! Look Spartos! They're acting like a married couple again!" Pitsi chuckled, as she gently shook the older males arm.

"Have you two looked around at all?" Spartos asked blankly, as the two death stared him.

"Of course we have! If Sinbad would stop putting us together then this idiot wouldn't keep getting in the way!" Yamuriha and Sharrkan shouted in synchronization, both glaring at each other once again.

"You two are hopeless," Spartos sighed, placing a hand on his head.

"Well maybe Sinbad, Drakon and Hina are having more luck then we are!" Pitsi laughed.

Jafar walked slowly, his body swaying from side to side with every step, a grin on his face as he held his weapon in his hands tightly.

"Ah, I see you've finally arrived Jafar," Judar snickered, locking eyes with the older male. "Come along, we mustn't keep the master waiting."

Judar walked up to the older male and grabbed his arm, quickening the pace as the two made their way to a tent. The assassin master sat in the chair, a smirk on his lips.

"Welcome back Jafar," he said softly, standing up and walking over to the smaller male who knelt down before him.

"Akane, help him get changed into something more suitable," Akane nodded at the masters order, grabbing Jafar's arm as the two walked out of the tent.

A few minutes passed and both assassin's came back into the tent, Jafar wore an outfit that was awfully similar to what he use to wear when he was a young assassin.

" Jafar, do you remember what I ordered you to do?" He asked, staring down at smaller male.

"Jafar..." A gentle, familiar voice interrupted his concertation.

"JAFAR!" The master shouted, causing the younger male to become stiff, as he faced him, getting a slap across the face.

"Master! You don't want to hurt him," Judar whined, helping the older male up as he hugged his head.

"I'm sorry sir...the order you gave me eliminate princess Hakuei Ren of the Kou Empire," Jafar sighed, looking up at his master.

"Good, space out again and you'll get worse."

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now