Snow White

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Snow White: Age 6


"Yes, Snow?"

"Will I like my new mother?"

"Of course you will, darling."

"Is she pretty?"

"She's very pretty."

"Is she nice?"

"She is nice."

Snow settled in her seat as the carriage bumped along. "I think I will like her then."

Her father smiled down at her and then looked ahead. Snow watched the trees pass by. The castle was surrounded by trees. The forest was beautiful, so Snow didn't mind. She sighed happily as the carriage neared her home where her new mother was waiting.

Once they were inside and lead to the throne room, they were greeted by a lovely woman in dark clothes. "It's so lovely to see you!" She kissed Snow's father and then turned her attention to Snow. "Your daughter is so adorable." She pinched Snow's cheek.

Snow smiled, though her cheek hurt now. She was going to be polite and ignore it. "You're very pretty."

The woman looked flattered, "I know, dear, I know." The woman fixed her hair for a minute before snapping back to the moment. "I am still not quite familiar with this castle, would you mind showing me around, my love?" She hooked her arm on his.

"I would love to, but I unfortunately have some work to get to. Snow can show you around."

The woman looked a little unsettled for a quick moment, but caught herself and smiled.

"I can show you around!" Snow said, happily.

"Of course," the Queen replied, not exactly looking joyful.

"I'll see my two favorite girls at dinner tonight," Snow's father said before rushing off to work.

"What do you want to see first? There's the library, and the gardens, and-"

"That's fine, I think I'll go freshen up."

"Oh," Snow tried to hide her disappointment.


The next day was suppose to be mother-daughter day for the new Queen and Snow. Snow's father arranged it. Snow was joyful about spending time with her stepmother, though the feeling did not seem mutual. In preparation, Snow make a card for her. It was handmade and slightly sloppy, but Snow was proud of her work.

"Mother, I made someth-"

"Please, dear, don't call me your mother. I did not berth you." She continued admiring herself in the mirror.

"But, you married my father," Snow protested.

"If anything, I am your stepmother," She said the last word harshly. Snow was taken aback, but went on to her origonal purpose.

"I made this for you," She said, shyly, holding the card out to the Queen.

Without even looking, she grabbed the card and set it beside her. "That's nice, dear."

Snow paused, "Did you read it?"

Exasperated, she picked up the card and opened it up. She winced, "My dear, such horrid writing, your father would be ashamed of you." She sounded disappointed.

Snow looked down at her feet. "I'm still learning. My tutor's say I do a good job for my age."

"Pish posh, that is still no excuse for this," She hissed, pointing to the card. "As punishment, you will clean the steps," She pointed.

Snow sadly agreed, not wanting another scolding and did as she was told.


A couple days and more scoldings later, Snow was in the library with her new stepmother.


"Yes dear?" The Queen straightened her dress.

"You look very beautiful in that dress."

"Why, thank you."

"I just got this dress yesterday," Snow said, poining to her own. "Daddy says I look pretty too."

The Queen looked Snow over and shrugged. "When you're older, you may become the second fairest in the land."

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