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WARNING: These are fully made up by me. If I do multiple of the same princess, the two stories do not have to be related. Although the names are still the same, the plot is still imagined by me.
I'd love comments on what princess to do or a story idea! Votes and comments are appreciated. Now, I am new at this writing stuff still so please, no hate! And thank you!

Oh! And I would like to thank @abrookes for the awesome cover!

And... Onto the first Princess Plot!

Rapunzel: Age 7

7:00. Time to get up. Rapunzel's alarm went off right on time. What to do today...
Mother Gothel had left early this morning for errands, leaving Rapunzel home alone again. But this time, she didn't mind. Today was Mother's birthday! A whole day to get the perfect surprise ready for her. First, Rapunzel swept the floor and cleaned up the area so she could decorate.
She pulled out balloons she had saved from Rapunzel's last birthday and started to blow them up. She soon grew tired and persuaded Pascal, her pet chameleon, to blow them up for her.
With this extra time, she would be able to bake the cake. She climbed up on a stool to reach the cook books when the stool started wiggling as she was on top of it. Pascal had been trying to blow up a balloon when he lost grip of it and it zoomed across the room, hitting the stool Rapunzel stood on. Rapunzel lost her balance and fell, bringing the cook books she had been reaching for with her. Everything clattered to the ground. "Oof! Pascal!" She yelled, giggling. Then she noticed every single cookbook along with everything that was on that shelf was on the ground around her. "Oh dear... I'll just pick it up while the cake's baking," she said aloud.
Finding the book she was looking for, she brought it to the kitchen island and began gathering ingredients. She had baked a cake before, so this was going to be easy. Rapunzel quickly added, mixed, and poured the mix into the pan and placed it in the oven. Realizing it was getting hot in the tower, she opened all of the windows. The smell of baking cake filled the tower.
Rapunzel started to now wrap Gothel's present: a painting on canvas of Gothel brushing Rapunzel's hair. She took out wrapping paper, string, and scissors. She spread the paper across the ground.
Suddenly, a squirrel ran up the tower and through the open window. A couple of birds flew in, smelling the delicious cake baking in the oven. "Ahh!" Rapunzel screamed as one flew near her head. "Shoo! Shoo!" She waved her hands at the birds, but they didn't leave. Another squirrel popped a ballon with it's claws, scaring the birds and squirrels. Rapunzel yelled and ran to close some of the windows, before more got in. When she turned back around, the animals had scrunched and torn the wrapping paper, popped most of the balloons, and scattered the dishes she used to make the cake. "Oh no! Get out! Shoo! Shoo! Out out out!!!" When they didn't listen, she grabbed a bag and ran around trying to catch them. "Gotcha!" She said to the squirrel in the bag. But it squirmed too much, making Rapunzel drop the bag before it could scratch her. It got away. "Arrg!" They were making a mess! Pascal scurried around, keeping from getting stepped on.
"Rapunzel! Let down your hair!"
Rapunzel froze, eyes wide. "Oh no!" She said, her lips barely moving. "No no no no no..." She muttered as she scurried around, trying to fix it.
Rapunzel didn't answer, she tried to pick up everything. Then the stove had to start smoking. The cake! She scrambled to the oven and opened the door. She coughed as the smoke hit her face, making her face and chest black. She took out the cake and hit it in the trash can. The birds flew out the window and the squirrels hurried out too. She shoved the cook books, dishes, and wrapping paper under the table.
But instead she ran to her room, changed her dress as fast as humanly possible and washed her face clean. She then ran to the window/door and lowered her hair.
Mother Gothel rode up and looked at Rapunzel. "Sweetie, what took you so long?"
"N-nothing..Mother." Rapunzel ran to the only thing she had left of her precious surprise. "I-I made this for y-you," Rapunzel handed Gothel the unwrapped painting.
"Rapunzel, this is beautiful! I do have one question though..."
Rapunzel gulped, "Yes?"
"Why does it smell like smoke in here?"

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