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Ariel: Age 10

"And then... The human took the mermaid and kept her locked up in an aquarium for show!"

"Ahh!" Ariel screamed and hid under her bed.

King Triton smiled, "come out here kiddo. I will never let the humans get near you."


Triton laughed and drew an x over his heart. Ariel came out and hugged him. "I love you daddy."

"I love you too. Now go to sleep, child." He tucked Ariel into bed and left.


Ariel woke up in her room and everyone was gone. She wondered what time it was. Ariel wandered through the castle to find no merfolk, fish, crabs, nothing! "Hello!" She called. No one answered. She swam out of the castle, through the front gates, and to the sea world outside of the kingdom. Nothing. No one.

Ariel looked up. No! She couldn't possibly be thinking of going to the surface!

She shook her head to rid of the thought, but couldn't help herself and looked up again. So many 'What Ifs' popped into her head. What if her family was up there? What if a human took her family!? What if she got caught by a human!?! But what else could she do?

She swam up.

At the edge, she stuck her head out of the water just enough to see. There was a, what do you call it...? Shore! And a castle was on the edge of it.

She cautiously swam closer. Soon she was at a rock close enough to shore that she could see. There were kids, human kids, playing on the beach.

"Hey! Come play with us!" A boy shouted.

Ariel looked around then realized he was talking to her. Uh oh! She lowered herself behind the rock.

"Come back out, we won't hurt you!" Another boy shouted over the waves.

"I would, but-" she looked down at her-wait- legs? She was now wearing a green swimsuit bottom. "Okay!" She yelled back, not even thinking. She ran to the beach. Two girls commented on her hair. "Thank you," Ariel replied shyly.

Before she knew it, she was sitting on the sand while the girls brushed her hair. They also arranged flowers in her hair. "Beautiful!"

"Come build a sandcastle!" Some boys said.


They built dozens of sandcastles and before long, the sun started setting, sinking into the ocean. Suddenly her feet and legs dissolved back into her tail. She tried to make it the the ocean in time, but just reached the edge when she fully transformed. She struggled to get in, but the kids already reached her. "P-please d-don't put m-me in an aquarium." She whimpered.

The kids smiled and a boy with black hair lifted her up. Ariel was too petrified to move. He carried her, with some effort, into the ocean and set her down. She was deep enough to swim away now. "T-thank you!" She smiled widely back at them.


Ariel woke up in her bed. Her sisters were fast asleep all around her. "What?" She took in her surroundings. Everything was normal.

Suddenly, King Triton barged into the room, "Good morning, girls!" He said loudly. Then he looked at Ariel curiously, "Ariel? Why do you have flowers in your hair?"

Ariel reached up and pulled a sea flower out of her hair. Huh?

Maybe the humans weren't so bad...

Princess Plots: Disney Princesses as Kidsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن