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Cinderella: Age 8

Ella and her father arrived at their new home. “You’re going to love your new sisters,” He told her. Ella sighed and got out of the wagon. She started walking up to the front door. “Ella?”

“Yes, Father?” She turned and looked at him.

“I’m sure you’re going to fit in fine.”

“But, Father, every time we play, they make me play the maid. I always have to clean up after them.”

“Ella, I’m not asking you to give in to their every wish, I’m asking you to at least try to-”

“I know, Father. I will,” She smiled and they walked up to the house together. They knocked on the door.

A lady opened the door, “Baron!” She leaned forward and hugged the man in front of her. “You know, this is your house too. You don’t have to knock.”

“Apologies, my lady,” Baron smiled as he and Ella entered the main room. Two girls about Ella’s age were standing alongside their mother, staring at Ella.

“It’s so nice to see you, the girls and I could not wait for your arrival.”

“And we as well,” He said, putting his hand on Ella’s shoulder.

“The girls can show Ella to her new room. Girls?”

Both stepped forward in unison and headed up the stairs. Ella grabbed her suitcase, glanced back at her father, and followed them up the stairs. She heard her father start up a conversation behind her.

“This is where you’ll stay,” the redhead stated, pointing to a room at the top of the stairs.

“Thank you. Where are your rooms?” Ella asked.

“Down the hall,” the brunette said.

Ella set her suitcase on the bed.

“Want to play house?” The redhead, known as Anastasia asked, though it was more of a command than a question.

“Yeah! You be the maid!” Drizella, the brunette, shouted.

Princess Plots: Disney Princesses as KidsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя