511 42 21

July 21st 2012
(Short chapter)

The bell went for lunch, and I couldn't be more excited to eat. my stomach was growling all the way through English, I could barely even concentrate. I picked up my bag, put my earphones in and headed towards the canteen.

If I'm honest, lunch was probably the worst part of my day because I hated being around so many people that I disliked in one place. Everybody would chill in here, and I would just sit alone because I didn't have much friends in school. The only friend I did had weren't even in today so I'd be sitting alone today. Again.

Although I personally chose that decision to have 0 friends, and I like it this way. Sometimes I get lonely and bored but I don't need nobody. Never have, never will. Yet because I did this, people disliked me even more which I didn't understand.

Even though I was 'disliked' I was popular here. I just pushed everyone away. Every guy wanted me and every girl hated me or wanted to be my bestfriend but I know they're all fake.

Lining up in the queue with my tray, I went through my snapchat whilst I waited.

'Amina,' I heard someone say and I looked up to see Daniel from my English class. I let out this half smile, and looked back down on my phone. I could feel his eyes on my body and he didn't seem like he was due to move anytime soon.

'Can I help you?' I said sighing and locking my phone.

'Yeah you can. When you gonna let this happen?' Daniel said licking his lips pointing to himself then me.

'What's this?' I asked rolling my eyes.

'Don't act dumb.' He said.

I rolled my eyes, and screwed my face up at him.
'Never. Now move,' I said pushing past him.

'You act like you're too nice. But you let Jordan and every other guy here hit,' He mumbled loud enough for me to hear. I turned around to say something but he was already walking away. I was about to shout at him but I couldn't be bothered to make a scene in the canteen. This was an everyday encounter for me. A boy tries speaking to me, I tell him no and he calls me some kind of hoe or something. I was used to it, it didn't even bother me no more.

I pushed my tray and went to grab my lunch. There was a sudden loud screaming and noise coming from the entrance. And I looked to see Jordan and his friends coming in, shortly followed by his girlfriend Olivia and her 'groupies'.

I instantly locked eyes with Jordan, and he gave me a saddened smile. Kissing my teeth, I cut my eye at him and continued picking my lunch.

That dumb guy Jordan was someone I genuinely had hate for with my heart. it all started at the beginning of year 9 when I was 13 I really liked him and when he came to speak to me, I was more than happy.

We was never in a proper relationship but it felt like it was. We would talk on the phone every night, and he would spend most of his weekends with me when he wasn't at football or helping his mum. I loved the way things were between us, he was practically my only friend. During lunch, he would always come and sit in the library with me and he just made me feel so special. I hadn't felt like that in a long time. The summer holidays came around, and that meant I'd see him a lot more, and you know I was happy. I was even beginning to like him a lot more and I could honestly see a relationship with him. A week before we started back year 9 he asked me to stay at his house because his mum was away for the weekend. I was skeptical at first but I still went and that's the day my life changed. I went from being the most popular to most hated.

We ended up having sex that night. I didn't want to but I was 13 and naive so I allowed his sweet words to get to me which ended up with me losing my virginity to him. We both swore he would never tell anyone because it was special and away or showing eachother we were in love but by the time we started school the next week the whole area knew about it and called me a hoe.

He told everyone I came onto him and was persistent and knew what I was doing. To make matters worse At the time he had a whole girlfriend which I knew nothing about and I was instantly labelled the 'whore and home wrecker'. I cried about that shit for weeks on end and wanted to drop out but I knew I couldn't, my mother would never let me.

Every boy was making sexual advances at me cAuse I was one of the first girls our age having sex. I felt disgusting. Before I knew it every boy was apparently having sex with me. Even boys from other schools I didn't know. I was literally the neighbour hood hoe. I couldn't even go out without hearing a new guy claim I did something wuth them.

And to make it worse all the friends I had started looking at me differently and then distanced themselves from me. I was alone. And that's when i deeped friendships weren't for me and I was better off being alone.

Jordan tried apologising to me after i attacked him at school and ended up getting excluded for 2 weeks. I had enough that day everyone was calling me all types of names and had written it on a presentation in our weekly assembly. Everyone in the year laughed at the stupid picture they photoshopped of me with cum on my face I couldn't take it. All my anger came out and I threw a table at him and went ballistic.

He left with his nose bleeding and I cried none stop. I was never that type but the embarrassment I felt that day was too much. Jordan continued apologising even after that incident but it was too late. The damage had already been done. If he weren't gonna tell everyone he was lying what was the damn point.

From then the cycle just continued I was fighting all the time. It ended up getting back to my mum and she just beat the shit outta me for having sex and fighting. But She didn't understand, i only had myself and my fists. It was my word against his and no one believes the girl. I fought every single person who wanted to speak shit after that day whether I lost or not I weren't going down without a fight. My mum beat the hell out of me that day and I was put on smash. No phone no tv no nothing. Just school and home.

But that whole year taught me something and changed me for life. I'm in this shit alone and that's just how it was gonna be.

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