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Vanessa's POV
  When I get back to my apartment after the pre-auditions or whatever that thing was I see Aurora running around dressed up in a fairy costume.

It immediately brings a smile to my face and I see Sasha chasing her around. I chuckle a bit to myself as I put my purse down and I let my hair down too. When Sasha notices me he just gives me his charming smile and he walks over to where I am and Aurora comes up to me and wraps herself around my leg.

"Hey babe." Sasha says.

Then he gives me a quick peck on the lips and I just smile he picks up Aurora from off of my leg.

"So what did they want you for?" Sasha asks.

"You won't believe it. Beckett held pre-auditions or something like that." I tell him.

"Seriously? I know that he didn't want to postpone auditions but to do it behind the board's back is crossing the line." Sasha says.

"I'm hungry." Aurora says as she makes her cute pouty face.

"Dinner is in the kitchen I'll be there in a minute I just have to make some calls Okay?" Sasha says.

"Come on Aurora let's go to the kitchen." I say.

I take Aurora's hand in mind as Sasha let's her down on the ground and takes out his phone. I walk her over to the kitchen and I see three plates of Fettuccine Alfredo on the counter. One of the plates is smaller and I'm guessing that's Aurora's so I take it and I put it on the dining table. I can hear part of Sasha's voice while he's on the phone and I just sigh.

Beckett's POV
I exit the room as they have finished up and as I do Mrs. Maslany walks me out.

"They're good, but they lack emotion and talent. I say you find better dancers for me, or have them find actual talent." I say that as I walk out of the building yet she still follows me down the mini staircase outside.

"You're just like your mother aren't you?" She says more as a fact rather than a question.

I just chuckle at that comment and I turn around as she's a step higher than me on the staircase.

"If I was then you should be happy, because then I'm telling the cold hard truth. Your institution is decent, barely makes the cut into exceptional." I say.

"Then you're still admitting that I have an exceptional institution." She says and I just sigh as a smirk grows on her face.

"I'm admitting that all of the students I've just seen, don't look like they have a place in my company. I would tell them not to get their hopes up, not with their talent." I say as I turn around and start walking down the stairs again as I signal a taxi to come over but she just won't quit.

"You'll see, by the time official auditions come my students will be your next leading stars." Mrs. Maslany says.

"Too bad I'm not coming here when official auditions come." I say as I smirk and I open the door and get into my taxi and I'm about to close it but she holds it back.

"What do you mean?" She asks in a confused tone of voice.

"I mean that I've already wasted about an hour of my life here and I'm not going to waste another to give your students blind hope." I say. I'm bluffing but it's going to be fun to see how she'll react to this.

"If you won't come then don't come, we both know that NYDA is the biggest academy of New York and I can persuade the other academies to not have your company visit them. So your corps might be getting small soon." She says and I just give her a light chuckle.

"Give me a call for coffee sometime, maybe the next time when we talk I can come off as charming instead of arrogant." I say and then I quickly close the door.

"Where to?" The driver asks.

I give him my address to my house in New York and he starts driving. That Julie Maslany is something, she's really something.

Forgotten (A Becknessa Story) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now