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Beckett's POV
   After Vanessa left I feel regret and depression wash over me. When she was leaving all I could think of was the cafe. That moment when she ran out and left, left everything behind. Before I used to blame myself because I didn't go after her, or stop her at all. But this time, I should've stopped her from leaving again. Or at least I should've tried. She left, again.

   I sigh as I sit back down on the bench. Why couldn't I run after her? The way she looked at me. It tore me apart. The way her eyes looked lost when they looked into mine. We were like strangers walking past each other on a sidewalk. Merely glancing at each other out of curiosity.

I just wish I could've told her. Told her how I've wondered why every single day. Told her that I'm still me, I'm still the man she fell in love with.

But the way she looked at me. They say that the eyes are the window into the souls but, what do you see if you're the one that broke the soul? I don't know what she saw in my eyes but it made everything, different. It was like I couldn't bear her looking that way at me anymore but I didn't want her to leave, not again.

Her daughter. She looks just like her. But I can't help but let my curiosity peak at when the little girl mentions the picture every time. What hurts is, Vanessa's moved on.

Vanessa's POV
Sasha: Vanessa I know that you want to tell him about Aurora, but what's the point? He'll be leaving soon and he already knows about her.

Vanessa: I know but Sasha that isn't the point. The point is he doesn't know everything about Aurora.

Sasha: Vanessa, I don't want him to know everything about Aurora. It's none of his business he doesn't have the right to know. It wouldn't do Aurora any good and it especially wouldn't do us any good.

Vanessa: I know, I know.

Sasha: Thank you. I know that you want to tell him but do you really want to? How would he react?

Vanessa: I don't know anymore. His eyes are, different. I feel lost when I look into his eyes now. Before they were bright and charming. Now they're endless and emotionless. What hurts is, he's moved on.

Beckett's POV
  I stay on the bench a little while longer and then I check my watch. I have to be heading to lunch with someone in about 5 minutes. So I walk back into the building and I walk over to a cafe nearby with my briefcase in my hand.

I walk into the cafe and I hear the bell jingle. This cafe seems, acceptable. Then I see who I'm meeting for lunch sitting at a table near the window. I waked over to him and I sit down across from him and I set my briefcase down beside me.

Miles: Hey man.

Beckett: So what did you want to meet me here for Mr. Lennox?

Miles: Right. Well I have been trying to prepare a set for next year. I heard you and your company wanted fresh music and all for your tour coming up in a couple of months.

Beckett: I see what you're implying Mr. Lennox but I might have to refuse. Your music is mostly pop and modern to what people want to listen to these days.

Miles: I can do more, I'm not just a pop star sir. Also please say Miles dude it's pretty weird.

Beckett: Very well then, Miles. How would my company benefit in any way with you as our composer?

Miles: More publicity is one thing. Also I can compose music that won't draw attention to it but it will add to the story of dance.

Beckett: You've convinced me to let you audition. There are many other professional composers waiting to audition so I suggest you have your set ready.

Forgotten (A Becknessa Story) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now