You dont need to run

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Josh moved rooms cause he needed more space. He moved upstairs and without telling me they moved my room next to his too cause of my nightmares.

Since my nightmare, well, my last really bad nightmare I've almost had a nightmare everyday. Some with the hazmat men, some with my father, somewhere Josh dies or everyone I care about dies. Most of the times I wake up with tears streaming down my face. Usually I get up and go to Josh's room to sleep with him but sometimes I'll feel too bad to wake him and silently suffer.

I wake up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. I try to catch my breath but almost find it impossible. I want to get up and go to Josh's room but for the past week I've woken up Josh to sleep with him but I think I should let him rest.

My eyes won't shut, I can't fall asleep, my body won't let me, it's impossible. I sit up and clutch my head, another headache, I've been getting random headaches at times, I never know why but it's got The Clique worried, mostly Josh, he takes care of me. I love the attention but he really should focus on himself, like working out or playing the drums and stuff. He's usually taking care of me, don't get me wrong I love that he is but, he needs some time to himself right?.

••third POV••
Tyler shifts in his bed, whimpering at the nightmare he's having. You see, when he doesn't decide to sleep with Josh, he'll have a nightmare over and over again until the morning. It's affecting him and not in a good way.

He has bags under his eyes and he's more tired then usual. He does take naps...occasionally, you see, every child has some kid of thing to help them sleep at night and have no nightmares. Josh is Tyler's stuffed animal and Tyler is the child, without it, he has unspeakable nightmares, sometimes he fears if Oogie Boogie himself is alive and torturing him (he never really liked Oogie Boogie)

But of course sometimes if Tyler isn't that tired he puts on makeup to conceal his the darks circles under his eyes. Tyler has a feminine side which he embraces...with himself, he has embraced it once. Sophomore year, Queens New York. Tyler told his mother about his feminine side and she couldn't be more excited, you see, her daughter Madison, wasn't really into the clothes her mom and Tyler were. So having someone obsess over cute girly clothes and makeup of course made her happy, she made a packed that no matter what her children loved, identified as, she always love them. But when Tyler went to school in New York, oh how the bullying came, sometimes it got bad to were he was harassed, like in the passing hall.

Tyler was walking the hall to get to his next class when his skirt was pulled up so the culprit could see what's under. Tyler turned around to see who it was and it was non other then the school bully. With tears in his eyes he ran to the bathroom called his mom and that complaint was the final straw for Kelly.

They moved to Idaho and Tyler finished sophomore year there then moved to Ohio were he only started a week of junior year until the school got closed down.

But back to Tyler's mental and physical health, he's not doing so well, he's eaten less. Vampires can eat human food but to maintain strength they need blood about every once a month, but Tyler, he's skipped a few months and it's not lookin so good.

Tyler wakes with a start. He gets out of bed and walks down stairs, he puts his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. He decides on human food today, the month of when he needs nutrition, skipping his actual nutrition yet again.

He opens the fridge and grabs the milk, opens a cabinet and grabs a box of cereal. Tyler makes himself some cereal and sits down at a table.

The Clique could see Tyler getting paler, skinnier. They were all worried but not as much as Josh. Tyler is the love of his life, yet he hasn't said those three words yet. He's finding a special moment too.

Brendon and Josh found out not long ago that Tyler was skipping having blood once a month. Finding this out stresses Josh out, he knew something was up but he never would've thought of Tyler starving himself.

Josh had a plan though, he discussed it with Brendon. Tyler wouldn't drink the blood if you told him too, Josh knew him better than that. Josh would do anything for Tyler, even if that meant putting blood in his mouth and force feeding it to Tyler. Now, Tyler and Josh never told The Clique they were official so when Josh said he was going to kiss Tyler to put the blood in his mouth, Brendon put two and together. Josh told him not to tell anybody else until he got the ok from Tyler.

When Tyler was done with his cereal he started walking back to his room only to bump into Josh in the hallway. Tyler went to go hug him when he was pulled into a kiss, Tyler keep the kiss going until he tasted a buttload of blood in his mouth, he tried to pull away but Josh being stronger then him and kept the kiss going, with no choice Tyler swallowed the blood, licked his lips then asked "how long have you known?" Josh pierced his lips "a month or so, me and Brendon found out" he reply's

"Thank god you swallowed it, I hated that metallic flavor in my mouth" Josh says smiling, showing off his kinda red stained teeth "will you please not skip drinking blood? Please, you've gotten skinnier and paler and I'm worried, please, if you cared for me you'd start drinking blood again" Josh says, Tyler huffs "fine, only if I get one more kiss" says Tyler "fine by me" Josh says.

Josh grabs Tyler's hips and pulls him into a kiss. Tyler becoming his cocky self again decides to do something daring, missing the taste of blood, he sticks his tongue into Josh's mouth, licking up as much blood as he can. Josh, surprised by this only pulls Tyler closer. One Tyler's satisfied he says to Josh "now go brush your teeth" then walks off to his room.

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