Fight club

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Don't play the song until I say so
I'm in my last class and thank god it's music, this makes up for what happened at lunch. I entered the music classroom and saw a soundproof room with a piano in it. Everyone was off doing there own things playing different instruments. I walk over to the sound proof room and open the door and walk into the room and sit at the piano bench. My fingers hovering above the keys longing for there touch. I begin to play the keys to the piano duet of Victor and Emily from The Corpse Bride. I never realized that someone opened the door and was listening to me play until I was done. As I finished I could hear clapping behind me. I turn around and see my friends clapping for me. I begin to laugh and get up and bow. "You know that movie too?" Dallon asked "yeah, when I saw it I wanted to learn that part" I said nervously scratching the back of my neck "can you do Tears To Shed? It's my favorite song out of the whole movie" Dallon asked bouncing with excitement "umm, yeah sure" I say sitting at the piano seat again.
What does that whispy little brat that you don't have double
She can't hold a candle to the beauty of your smile
How about a pulse
Overrated by a mile
If he only knew you the you that we know
And that silly little creature isn't wearing his ring
And she doesn't play piano
Or dance
Or sing
No she doesn't compare
But she still breathes air
Who cares?
If only he could see how special you can be if only he knew you that we know
If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain
If you cut me with a knife it's still the same
And I know her heart is beating
And I know that I am dead
Yet the pain here that I feel
Try and tell me it's not real
For it seems that I still have a tear to shed
The sure redeeming feature
From that little creature
Is that she's alive
Everyone knows that's just a temporary state
Which is cured very quickly when we meet our fate
Who cares
If only he could see
How special you can be
If only he knew the you that we know
If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain
In the ice or sun its all the same
Yet I feel my heart is aching
Though it doesn't beat its breaking
And the pain here that I feel
Try and tell me it's not real
I know that i am dead yet it seems that I still have a tear to shed
When I finish I turn around to face them, there surprised at how I performed "Tyler, that was amazing!" Dallon said "I agree that was amazing" Pete says "you should sing more often Tyler, you have a beautiful voice" Josh says, I avert my gaze to the floor trying to hide my blush "thanks" I say. We spend most of our time in the sound proof room just talking. "Tyler, you need to stick up for yourself when Jake bully's you, If you don't he'll think your weak and keep bullying you" Brendon says, I don't really want to worry about Jake right now "i know but I just don't want to start anything with him" I say "well I guess I'll have to hang out with you Twenty four seven now, want me to wipe your butt too?" Brendon said "ew what? No" I say laughing. The bell rings and I pack my stuff and Brendon reminds me "don't forget to tell your mom your coming over to my house ok?" I nod my head and take out my phone and text my mom telling where I'm gonna be for the past few hours. I'm walking down the hall with my friends and it pretty packed since it's the end of the school day. I get to the hall leading to the from of the school and I've seem to lost Brendon and the guys. I begin to look around for them, then I feel a pair of hands on my backpack push me to the ground, I grunt in pain from hitting the ground, good thing my hands stopped my head from hitting the ground. I know exactly who exactly it is, I flip over to see Jake and his group staring down at me laughing "let's test how tough you are"
Play the song🌸
Jakes goes to kick my knee backwards but since vampire sense, everything goes in slow motion for a bit. I move my leg in time to see Jake stomp the floor with all his force were my knee used to be. He goes for my other leg put I move it in time. I get up with super speed "give it all you got" i say. Jake throws a punch at my head but I dodge his blow. He try's to punch me with his other hand but I grab it in time and twist it behind his back. I throw him into a locker with little force but it looks like I pushed him with all the strength in my body. Two of Jakes guys grab my arms with an iron grip. I struggle to get out before I can see Jake walking over to me "oh oh oh now you're gonna get it" he rolls up his sleeves lifting his arm up to punch at my stomach. Suddenly I wrap my hands around Jakes guys arms and throw them to the ground and kick Jake in the stomach enough to knock the wind out of him. By now a large group of people are all gathered around the hall watching us fight. Jake gets up from the ground holding his stomach, trying to catch his breath. I hiss at him and I extract my long nails showing my sharp teeth along with that I'm armed. Jake charges at me with full speed, I move in time but put my foot out so he trips. Which he does and goes flying and hits a locker face first. Jake gets up and charges at me, I had my back turned so at the last moment I turn around and Jake pins me to the ground, he lifts his free arm, the one that's not pinning me to the ground. I can't move and Jakes fist comes crashing down until someone grabs Jakes shoulders and throws him down the hall. I look up and see Brendon panting while looking in the direction he threw Jake. "You're pretty weak Jake, I expected that not lying" he says, I see Josh coming over to me, he gives me his hand helping me up "come on, we gotta leave this isn't gonna end well" Josh says "what why?" I ask "no time to explain, we need to leave now!" I take Josh's hand and we start running towards the schools doors. We almost at the fence indicating the marker of the ending of school boundaries, I hear screaming and I look back and see everyone who was watching the fight flood out of the school as if Satan him self was in there. "What's going on?" I ask "no time to explain" Josh says, me and Josh find our bikes and I can see he has an old walkie talkie between the handle bars, he presses a button and says "do you guys copy we have an emergency" we're waiting for a response as we ride our bikes. I don't know where to go so I follow Josh. I hear Pete over the walkie talkie "yeah we copy, what's happening" Pete asks worry and concern flooding his voice "we have a code red I repeat a code red at the school!" Josh screams into the walkie talkie, I hear Dallon come through "SHIT!" He says. Josh takes a sharp left turn and I have to put my leg down to turn fast "are any cars following you!?!" Patrick asks, Josh turns to look behind us "no, so far we're clear over!" He says "over" Patrick says. Josh and I come to a stop at and old abandon wear house, Josh practically jumps off his bike, speed walking to and old door. "Josh what are we doing here?" I ask, he doesn't answer me but instead looks around before doing a secret knock on the door, there's a clicking noise and the door opens, I follow Josh inside and I see Dallon, Patrick, and Pete practicing with their superpowers? Dallon has earth, Patrick has yellow eyes and Pete has fire. "What is this place?" I ask, Josh turns around to face me "this was an old wear house, at first is housed a whole bunch of tweaker's until they got busted by the cops, it was abandon for ten years until we found it when we where fifteen, we cleaned it up and we're using it as a hideout and a place to practice our powers" Josh says "it's amazing" I say "what happened?" Pete asked looking at both of us "where's Brendon?" He asks, Josh and I exchange glances and Pete makes a run for the door "PETE STOP!" Patrick yells, we run outside to see Pete hop on his bike and take off towards the school, we all hop on our bikes and head for the school. Once we get to the school we see Pete's bike in the empty parking lot, we drop our bikes and run for the front doors, we enter the school and walking down the halls whispering Pete's name "why are we whispering?" I asked but get shushed by the rest of the group "when Brendon's like this he can't go on a killing spree, we have to be quiet and cautious" Dallon says. Like what? Killing spree? I think to myself, Josh takes lead of the group, he stops at the entrance of a hall way "listen close" he's whispers, we can hear panting, we can't tell if it's Pete or Brendon, Josh turns his head and looks at who t is "it's Pete" He says, everyone gives out a sigh of relief but soon are startled when a loud roar fills the air. We look up and the ceiling and see Brendon staring down at us with a huge smile plastered on his lips showing his pearly whites. He jumps down and starts walking towards us "Brendon, it's me Dallon, we're not hear to hurt you, just calm down ok?" Dallon moves between Brendon and the group with his hands out in front of him, Brendon or demon Brendon stops and keeps staring at him with a creepy smile plastered on his face that won't go away, "Brendon, it's gonna be ok, you're not in danger" Dallon says. Brendon doesn't move and inch but still has the creepy smile on his face, Dallon mutters three words that bring back the original Brendon, "I love you" Dallon says, Brendon's smile begins to fade along with the concrete blue affect on his skin and his horns and teeth begin to sink back into his body, Dallon walks up to Brendon and hugs him, Brendon hugs back and begins to cry "it's okay I got you, you're safe" Dallon says in a soothing voice.

Wow that was a lot. But what happened to Jake? What's gonna happen in the next chapter?

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