I am tired

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I moved in with the boys after the incident at the school. When they renovated the warehouse they all immediately moved in for their safety. They said being together would keep all of us safe. The Clique number one rule: if one goes down we all go down. Rule number two: don't get recognized for your powers, that one may be hard but actually it's not that hard. Rule number three: if you see anything suspicious, tell someone or pull the lever, yes, we have a lever that shuts down the whole warehouse, pretty cool if you ask me. Rule number four: if something happens at school (which something did) we take online learning, which is what we're doing. Rule number five: we look out for each other. Rule number six: if anyone falls in love, please, do tell. This one Brendon added, rule number seven: if you want to do it, please tell so we can leave.

My mother was sad I was moving out but my step father was both sad and happy I moved out, I mean, I am seventeen and in senior year. My mother and I didn't really leave on good terms though.

"Tyler, have a seat, we need to talk" my mother says patting the couch cushion next to her. I complied and sat next to her.

"What is it mom?" I ask. I could see my mother didn't want to talk about the subject, I could see it in her eyes. Maybe I don't want to hear this subject either.

She grabs my hand "we need to talk about your real father" she says. My mom had told my step father to take the other kids to ice cream, leaving me and her alone. I understand why.

"What's there to say? He was abusive and a vampire, what more could there possibly be?" I ask. I'm confused my self as to why she wants to talk about this now.

"It's not just that Tyler, before I left him, for your well being, he said to me" she shifts, uncomfortable about the topic but she knows she needs to tell me. "He said that, if I left, one day he'd find us again, mainly he wanted you, I didn't think anything if it, i never thought he was going to find us cause he wasn't a good tracker, or so I thought" I nod for her to keep going.

"Tyler, you get your tracking skills from your father" she tells me. My heart sinks, my father, my real father actually has a chance at finding me? But why does he want me?

"From the moment you were born, I knew I needed to leave him, I prayed you wouldn't get hurt, I prayed-I still to this day-that he'd never find you, Tyler, your an excellent tracker, one of the top best I've ever seen and that's saying something" she puts her hand on my cheek, I lean into her hand, cherishing the moments I have with her.

"You're father, Tyler" she lets out a deep breath "you're father is a very high vampire, we had to leave to Ohio cause you're father was so close to finding you, remember how you told me every time you went  into the forest you'd feel watched?" I nod my head confirming her story.

"Well, it was you're father, he keep close tabs on you, I'm sorry I lied to you and said that the forest is big, of course you'll feel watched, I should've told you the truth" she said, why wouldn't she have told me this? I'm a little angry.

"Mother, what do you mean my fathers a high vampire?" I ask, concern lacing my voice "I want to know who my father is"

My mother, I can see worry cloud her eyes, "I'm sorry Tyler, I can't tell you you're fathers name but you're father has his own government, call it cliche but he called it 'the vampire government' everyone who was apart of it was honored, one slip and, well, let's just say they sleep for the rest of their life"

I gulped, "you mean they?" my mother looks at me with concern "yes Tyler, they died, your father didn't want anyone who'd make mistakes, it's like a cult Tyler, you basically lived in a cult for a couple of months when you were a baby, so many strict rules, I couldn't get pregnant with you unless it was a full moon" my father; I can't believe it, my father is the head of the vampire government, that's such a big group though, oh god, all those people he killed, he probably didn't even hesitate either. I was apart of a cult? My mother was apart of a cult?

"Tyler, you're father wants you to be apart of his army because he knew something was special about you, you don't have the same powers vampires do, he wanted to teach you your full potential, I said no, I wouldn't allow it, it could be fatal, I didn't want that for you at such a young age" she said

"Why not mother?" By now I'm angry she never told me this, why didn't she tell me I was special?! Not like other vampires, that's something you shouldn't keep a secret!

"Because if I did let it happen you could've died Tyler, you would've died in that god forsaken place, that sacrificial place Tyler! " my mother says, raising her voice a little bit "oh god, your not gonna be like those stupid movies and get mad about this are you?" She said

"Yeah actually I am mother" I get up from the couch and turn to face my mom "why didn't you tell me this before?! I could reach my full potential but instead you held me back from it!" I tell her

She gets up from the couch and crosses her arms "like I said Tyler Joseph, you could die from it, do you think a mother wants to witness her child dying?! You'd be more screwed up in the head then you already are!" I understand where she's coming from but she didn't have to hide this from me! But how could she say that? I'm not screwed up in the head! Am I?

I pick up my bag and walk to the door. I turn the knob and walk out the door. As I'm walking down the stairs my mother says. "Tyler, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, don't go please, you know I love you Tyler, I only want what's best for you, that's why we moved here, something was telling me to move here, like we'd be safe, I put your safety first" I stop dead in my tracks at the bottom of the stairs and turn to look at her "I love you too" with that being said, I hop on my bike and ride to the warehouse.

I use the door next to the giant doors we use when bringing all of our bikes in. My bloods boiling at the new information my mother just told me, I push my bike up against the wall with the other bikes. The sound of metal and tire hitting the ground fills my ears alerting me that I pushed to hard and other bikes fell. Everyone was in the living room when I entered.

"What's wrong Tyler?" I hear Patrick ask, "nothing" I say and keep walking to my room.

"There's something wrong, you can tell us Tyler" Patrick says.

"It's nothing Patrick!" I say wiping around and yelling at Patrick, feeling guilt and regret wash over me "I am tired" I say and start walking to my room again. I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me, knowing it's Josh, the images from earlier flooding my senses. I wrap my free arm around Josh's arms and burst into to tears, how could my mom keep this from me? I understand her but at the same time I don't.

"Hey, hey, it's ok, it's ok, your okay Tyler" Josh says. My legs are weak and give out, I slowly descend to the floor, Josh along with me. Sobs escape my lips. I don't want my father to find me.

Josh leaves feather like kisses along my neck. I'm still on the ground sobbing. "Tyler, calm down, please, I don't like seeing you like this" Josh says to me, again he trails feather like kisses up and down my neck. I manage to calm down. I think I'm in love with Josh

Oh god, if my father wants me. What will he do to my family? And to the ones I love?

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