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Rye's POV

I threw my phone onto my bed as I saw that my message didn't send. Meaning, Harv blocked my number...

I didn't know whether I was angry or sad. He was accusing me of cheating on him with Andy! I love him! I've loved him for 3 years!

I'm just s-


I really hoped it was Harvey...


It was Brook.


Wow okay...

Well back to my thoughts...

I'm just really fustrated right now because I love him so much and I wish I could show everyone. But I'm not sure he's ready to come out publicly yet... I just want him to be mine forever. FUCK. I WANT TO MARRY THE BOY! WHY CAN'T I JUST- oh my god. I want to propose. I want to marry him. I love him. I love him.

Wow. I love him so much.

(A/N: Rye is me bc I love harv so much aha)

Harvey's POV

My phone buzzed with messages from Rye. I blocked his number. I could deal with him right now. I was angry. I didn't like that he spent so much time with Andy.

I walked out of the studio and went to the park. I know Jack and Mikey are here but I want to be careful and not disturb their date. I went to the swings. There weren't many children because it was 6:30 and most go home for dinner. (Or tea, whatever you wanna call it)

I sat on the swing and swung myself until my phone buzzez

It was Loren... what?

Loren🌸 to Harv🍁

Loren🌸: Hey Harv... I need to tell you something...

Harv🍁: Is it good or bad?

Loren🌸: Good. Don't worry

Harv🍁: Well what is it then?

Loren🌸: Your staying with me when you come here before your tour!

Harv🍁: Omg! That's amazing! I can't wait to see you!

Loren🌸: I know! I love and miss you so much. Feels like ages since we have seen eachother

Harv🍁: I love and miss you too! Can't wait to see you!

Loren🌸: Okay, I g2g. Speak to you later! Love you! ❤❤

I sat there for about 2 hours till I decided to go and get some food.

I found a McDonald's and got a big mac. I sat there for 3 hours taking advantage of the free wifi to talk to some fans in my twitter and instagram DMs. My fans were the cutest! My little Harvystars!

I walked back to the flat. I headed straight to my room after seeing all the boys sitting in the living area.

Then I heard and knock at my door.

"Harvey?" It was Andy? What did he want!

"What." I said bluntly.

He opened the door and came in, closing the door behind him.

"You shouldn't be mad at Rye" he sat on Rye's bed oposite me.

"Why? He'd clearly rather spend time with you than me!"

"You and I both know that Rye loves you and thinks the world of you."

"Then why would he rather pretend to be with you than acctually be with me?"

"Because he doesn't think you want to come out yet. So you can either tell him what you think. Or you can sulk about it." He got up to leave when my phone pinged again.

Loren🌸 to Harv🍁

Loren🌸: Hey!! Idk what time it is for you but if your awake then hiiiii x

Harv🍁: Ye I'm awake! Xx

Loren🌸: Okay cool. So I was thinking that when you come here we could go out for a meal or something. Instead of, like, sitting in and ordering 😂 xx

Harv🍁: Yeah sure x

Andy sat next to me.

"Who you texting. And why the big smile?" He said pointing out the big smile across my face, which was now covered in blush... but I didn't let him see my face properly, hiding it in my jumper after he pointed out my smile.

"Loren, why?"

"Oohh what's she saying tell her I said Hi!"

I showed him my phone, letting him read the messages.

"Okay, so Rye and me isn't okay but you basically going on a date wth Loren is okay?" He said. Now I'm confused.

"We're not going on a date..."

"That's obviously not what she thinks. I suggest you don't let Rye see this..."

"What why?"

"Because he might get mad for the same reason you did. And we don't want that now do we?"

"No." I hugged him,
"Thanks Andy, you're such a good friend"

"Do you want me to send Rye in?" He stood up and walked towards the door.

"Yeah, if you don't mind. Thanks again"

He gave me a smile and a nod as he left the room.

I lay on my bed facing the wall until I heard the door open. I felt my bed dip and arms wrap around me.

"I'm sorry baby. I love you so much. You know that right. I could never live someone more than I love you." Rye whispered.

I turned round in his arms to face him.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gotten as angry as I did. I don't know what came over me. I overreacted and I'm sorry." I leaned my forehead against his.

"It's okay baby." He kissed me, and I kissed him back. Which turned into a heated make out session, leading to what Rye calls 'Rarvey sexy time'

I'll just sat that we were both glad we shared a room and nobody had a reason to enter...

The last one was short so quickly updating this ayyee
Aye I think I'm getting better at writing 😊

Some Rarvey content because the ship hasn't been mentioned much... SORRY!

-Alex 💘

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