Chapter Seven

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Dedicated to xOnlyBabyScarsx because of her cute comment about my obcession with vanilla and strawberry ;) 


Chapter 7

4 days after hanging out with the 1D boys and Logan I was called into work since a few of the girls had come down with the flu and couldn’t work their shift. I worked at a cute café 25 minutes away, our uniform wasn’t that special and we were just required to wear black clothes and an apron with the logo printed on it. Since it was a really nice day I was wearing a tight black t-shirt and cute high waisted black shorts along with my black ballet flats, my hair was pulled into a ponytail high up on my head but slightly to the side so it hung down my shoulder. My makeup was foundation with some mascara and pale pink lip-gloss, when I worked or was having a casual day I didn’t wear much makeup so most of the time it looked like I was hardly wearing any.

I walked out of my room grabbing the keys to my brother’s car and slipped my phone into my pocket. Noah was working today and got a lift with his work mate so I was allowed to take his car since there was no other way to get to work!

 I pulled out of the driveway and the first song that came on was ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ so I just chuckled and bopped my head to the music. The drive was quick and when I pulled into the parking lot I saw it was pretty full, so it was going to be a busy day for sure! I hopped out of the car and walked through the back door into the kitchen where people were bustling around busily, I grabbed an apron off the rack and tied it around my waist then found a notepad and pen in the large pocket of the apron and set to work. I took multiple orders then started taking out various meals to the tables of hungry customers. I worked for about 3 ½ hours straight and then the midday rush started to calm down a bit with only a couple orders, my feet ached slightly from racing around on them all day but it was satisfying.

“God that was tiring” Ashley groaned as we walked into the kitchen to snag some food to eat. The chefs were really good and always made an effort to cook us up a bowl of chips or wedges that we could snack on while we worked.

“I know! Hopefully we won’t get many customers coming in now” I sighed picking up a chip and chewing on it as the salty flavor filled my mouth.

“Well I’m off in 10 minutes, got an interview to get to” She smiled; Ashley was one of my good friends at work. She was a year older then me but we hung out every now and then and we always kept each other occupied when we were lucky enough to have shifts the same day. She’d already informed me she’d been selected to try out for a spot in the Arts Academy, which is one of the biggest performing arts in Britain!

“You’re going to smash it!” I told her confidently as I munched on another chip.

“I don’t know, I know my chances of getting in are slim so I am prepared if I don’t make it” She sighed twirling a chip in a little bowl of tomato sauce before popping it into her mouth.

“Ash, we both know you are freakishly amazing and talented and if they don’t see that then the Academy isn’t as good as it’s made out to be!! Plus with your background you’re a shoo in!” I exclaimed, she had worked with Sony helping to record the music for a backing track for several famous singers a couple months ago and it looked great on her application and it showed just how talented she was. She also could sing beautifully and had done a few small gigs in some local pubs but she preferred her instrumental stuff over her vocals. 

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