Good to be with you

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"Three days without her is hell, baby." I keep on whining to Joshua. Since we landed here at New York, it's the first thing that i reclaimed at, i miss our daughter.

"I know, but we have to attend the convention." Yea, damn those conventions. If it's not for the sake of our company, i will not attend this convention

"But i want her to be here." I continue to whine, while lying here on the bed, with my stomach resting on it. I'm tired because of that flight and my drama about missing our daughter.

"After this convention, we will go back home and we'll not stay here anymore." He sounded so disappointed with that voice. I turn my body around, seeing him sitting on the edge of the bed, while on his phone.

I slowly crawled towards his place, then wrap my arms behind him. This man never sounded this disappointed before. His full of cockiness in this world.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to sound rude, but i miss her and it's the first time that i've been this far from her. Sorry." I said, placing a kiss on his shoulder. He squeeze my hands, then lifted it both on his lips, placing a kiss on it.

"I miss her too, but let's finish this convention and enjoy the stay here." He remove my arms around his then turn around to face me. This hotel suite is getting hotter because of this man.

"Ohh shit." I get up from the bed then run towards the bathroom. Placing my head on the sink, throwing up my everything. It's hard to be pregnant.

Suddenly i felt that my hair was being pull up and a hand was rubbing my back. He keeps on rubbing it as i continue this throwing up.

"You done now?" I just nod my head, feeling that my head became so light. I remember how hard it is when i was pregnant with Sophia, it's the same. I was having worst morning sickness and weird cravings, that's why i have a beautiful daughter because of those hardship that i encountered.

Day went too fast, after resting a little more, we proceeded to the convention. Lots of businessmen that came from all over the world. It's just a talk about business, on how to became more successful.

And as the night approach by, Joshua and i decided to have more sleep, because i look sick and this is not the time for enjoyment.

"Morning baby." I heard Joshua whisper behind me, as his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Morning too." I whisper back, still closing my eyes, not appreciating the sun rise view that i know will be seen if we open the curtains.

"Up for the walk around the city?" Walk? It means shop around the city? I quickly turn around to face him. Why is his lips so tempting to be kiss at?

"Yes!" I excitedly said, pecking a kiss on his lips. Taste so good for a bright and sunny morning here in New York.

After our shower, we decided to have breakfast on the nearest diner from our hotel. Joshua knows a lot of places here, because as he said, his been here before. As if i care about that?

"So, what's your craving for today?" Joshua smiled as he lifted his head up from the menu.

"Just want some muffins and milkshake." Yea, that's what i want. Joshua ordered it and after few minutes it was being serve. Never the less, it meets my cravings for today.

"So where to go next?"

"Mall? The one that you are telling to me last night."

And that made my day. We shop around Louis Vuitton, then to Versace and some other luxury shop. Gosh, it's so nice to shop around here. Never the less, i was born with those brands reigning over me, so i'm used to it.

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